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* Back in the past*

"Melissa, meet your new baby brother, Aaron." Derek said as he handed her the small baby. Melissa held Aaron in her hands. "He's so tiny... and his eyes are so small." She said. Rachel laughed. "He's still a baby Melissa, you were just the same when you came into this world. Aaron laughed as he saw Melissa face. Melissa's ears lowered and she smiled. "I promise to look after you brother."

"I promise to look after you brother...."

*The present*

Melissa woke up to a text message. She was living in an apartment for a while while there family took care of some business.
R-Rachel    M-Melissa

R-Hey sweetheart, hope your up already. We have another meeting today. This one is mandatory for us to go to. However, I wish for you not to come

M-What do your mean? I always come to these meetings...

R-I know but.. it's something personal between your father and I. We don't want you or Aaron to get involved

M-Is everything ok?

R-Yes, everything is fine for now.

M-For now?

R-Me and your father will be in town for a few days. Probably three days at least. So you have yourself a little break for all this stuff.

M-And your sure you don't want me to come with you guys?

R-Yes, I am

Melissa POV
That was strange... mom has never texted me something like this. Should I ask dad? No... no.. that could make this worse... but, I should at least tell Aaron. I type in Aaron on my contacts and call him. It starts ringing. I look at my clock, 8:30. He should be. It goes to voicemail so I try again. This time he answers. "Melissa? Why are you calling me?" He asked. "What? Isn't it ok for a sister to check up on her brother?" She replied. Aaron went silent. "Ok.. fine.. mom and dad are out at a meeting but, it's not a normal one. I wasn't allowed to come to this one." "So? Your point being?" I sighed. "I think it's about you. The whole.." Aaron took a deep breath in and out. "Do you know where there heading?" "All mom told me was not for me to get involved or you and there be in town for three days at lest. I'm starting to wonder if someone really does know Arron. If they do.. then" "It would destroy are family.. we would be considered monsters.." "Yah... that..." I went quite. I don't really know what else to say... On the phone, i could hear aphmau talking in the background. "I should let you go know.. your probably busy or..something." "Yah... ummm thanks for letting me know Melissa." "Anytime brother." He hung up. I laid down my phone and began questioning. I remembered back to what aphmau had said. "Aaron's... sensitive..." What does that mean? And how sensitive is he???
I wish I had someone to talk to this about but.. I can't tell anyone about Aaron... my family would kill me... and I would be putting my family in danger.. I miss the old days when we didn't have to worry about this stuff.. when everything was normal. I promised that I would always be there for him. That I would always protect him... but now that we are older... things have become more complicated... Maybe I should just take a walk and clear my mind. Suddenly, my phone rings. I look at the caller id. Hmm it's just a number.. not a person. Curious, I answer. "Hello?" There was no answer at first. So I ask again. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Then a small voice comes through the phone. I can't understand it at all. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I can't hear you." " this Melissa?" The voice asked. "Yes, this is her. And who am I speaking to?" The person over the phone gave a sigh of relief. "Melissa it's me! L..Lucinda. I was working on a potion and... well.. I'm stuck." I was confused and relived at the same time. There was just something about her voice that made me feel calm. "Lucinda! It's good to hear from you aging, but... how did you get my number? And what do you mean your stuck?" There was no answer. "Lucinda? You still there?" "Yah... I'm here.... I got your number from aph... but that's not important! I need help. I am physically stuck! To the wall!" I couldn't help but laugh. " did you get stuck to the wall?!" I chuckled." "T..that's not important! Can you just get over here? Don't even ask how I managed to get my phone!" Lucinda shouted. I rolled my eyes. "Ok, ok, I'll be there in 10." Then I hung up. Well.... looks like I have some saving to do.

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