Chapter 2: She heard the stars? pt.2

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Kasumi's POV
July 2, 2019
6 A.M.

I wake up and I was really excited, I wanna practice the guitar again. I feel my heart beating so fast... And also my stomach growl, I'm so hungry. I took a bath, changed my clothes, and had breakfast before finally heading to the train station.

We finally arrived at the train station and got on the train on time. On the train, Aa-chan was on her phone the whole time. I just sat and thought about all the exciting stuff that happened recently, all those heart pounding and shining moments.

Kotaro's POV

I was on the train with Sachi, until we finally arrived at our destination. She talked about her first day in school and such. I had fun talking to her... "Man, it's been a long time since I've talked to you like this." those words suddenly came out of my mouth. "Huh? Brother we've been always like this, what do you mean it's been a long time?" she responds.

"Uhhh..." I'm at a loss for words! I don't know why but it just suddenly came out of my mouth. "Don't mind it, so are we close to your school yet?" I asked to change the topic. "Oh yeah we're really close you can see it from here, look!" she says while she points at what seems her school.

Hanasakigawa middle school... Come to think of it she's going to be a high schooler next year, yet she's a more responsible person than I am. "Kasumi onee-chan!" my sister called out. She approached someone I'm guessing her friend, that uniform implifies that she studies in Hanajo.

Kasumi's POV

"Oh! Sa-chan, good morning!" I greeted. "Good morning Kasumi-nee I'm with my brother today, wanna meet him?" she offers. I look around but I can't help but get confused... "Where is he? Oh! Behind you?" I said as I checked behind her. "Not here, too." I frowned. "I-I'm here." a guy's voice called me.

Kotaro's POV

Seriously...? I thought me and my sister looks looked similar, well she can't be helped. "Uhmmm..." Not good! I only talk to girls aside from my family once in a blue moon... I can't start a conversation like this! I was thinking of getting a part time job but I'm bad at this socializing thing, everything's gonna go downhill now... "My name's Toyama Kasumi, nice to meet you!" she smiles. Still morning and such a bundle of sunshine... She's basically sparkling and shining.

"I-I'm Misukishi Kotaro, n-nice to meet you Toyam-" before I could even say my greetings, she cut me off. "Just call me Kasumi, were friends now ok?" she giggles. "I understand Kasumi-san, so I take it you go to Hanajo?" I asked, but she looks at me in awe. "Woah, how did you know?! Did you read my mind? I know Arisa's been telling me that's impossible but you're the living proof, I'll tell her." she says in a bragging tone.

What? Reading minds? What a bizzarre statement is that. I laughed out like I was watching some comedy show. She looks at me with a "looks like I failed" expression. "I just n-noticed your uniform." I explained. "Oh... Heh heh... I should have known." she playfully says while scratching the back of her head. She's hopeless.

"Brother, I'm going now. I'm about to be late and also Kasumi-nee as well, you could always continue your sweet chat later." Sachi said while doing her usual teasing smile. I swear she has to stop doing that... Well it can't be helped, Sachi will always be Sachi after all.

"Yeah, I should be going as well!" Kasumi added before flashing another smile. "Well then we'll be parting ways now." I responded. Kasumi-san doesn't seem to be a bad person... In fact weird enough I feel comfortable about her being around, I think we'll be able to get along well.

8:30 A.M.

"I barely made it in time..." I sighed in relief. I saw a student walking in the hallway going towards the same direction as I was going to, she seems to be the same year as I am. "O-oh are you perhaps Mizukishi Kotaro-kun?" she asked shyly also seemingly startled.

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