Chapter 3: It came back to bite

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A/N: I've changed a bit of Kotaro's personality, I hope it won't bother you too much

July 2, 2017
7 P.M.

Laying on my bed gives me an eerie feeling now, no... Maybe I'm just anxious, I can't seemingly "sleep". I keep staring at the ceiling, I still couldn't get myself to sleep. It's no use, I'll just think of the things set for tomorrow.

July 3, 2017
6 A.M.


I'm just still trying to take all this into sense but it just doesn't... The same thing happened, I "slept" again.

Kotaro appears to be really concerned about it, that aside he shrugs it of to prepare for school before Sachi comes barging in.

Hanamichi Boy's High
8 A.M.

I entered the school and saw someone familiar in the doorway of the nurses office. "M-Madoka...?" I called, as she bows at the doorway. "Thank you very much." she said to the nurse.

"M-Mizukishi-kun! Would you mind walking with me to class?" she offered shyly. 'Not like that bothers me, I think I've gotten used talking to girls more yesterday.' "Of course, i-it's fine." I answered stuttering a bit.

It was all awkward silence walking to class with her, but I don't blame her. Even I have some troubles start a conversation. "Uhmm... Is your foot doing fine now?" she asked concernedly.

"It has recovered, you shouldn't have gotten worked up too much, it's just a sprain."

"Oh well, I suppose that's true" Madoka answered. "Anyways, can we go to class together?" I nodded as response then started to walk.

"I wouldn't mind at least, but don't you have other friends to hang out with?" Madoka seemed to be a bit shaken by my question as she looks down. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I added.

"No, no, it's fine... Two of my close friends have things they have to do, Hitomi-chan moved to another school after her grandmother passed away, they had to take over some family business, and Sayaka-chan sometimes get late going to school because she visits Kamijo-kun." She explained. "I'm just your everyday average high school girl, nothing's really special about me." She seemed really down after her statement.

"We're here." I've announced to her as we arrived at the classroom door. I clenched my fist a bit revealing a bit of anxiety as I walked to my seat. Everyone seemed to be really occupied talking and having fun with each other in general, sometimes it just unnerves me that moments like this can be ruined within a single snap.

I was deep in thought as I look outside the window. This weather's pretty cozy I love it, cloudy days just makes everything not too bright but it has this aesthetic that somehow relaxes you. I took a quick glance at Madoka seems like she's overthinking stuff about the situation with her friends, it's really commendable how kind and caring she is... I just hope that kindness wouldn't be the thing that will leave her down in the mud.

The teacher finally arrived and started the class.

July 3, 2017
12 PM

I went to the rooftop with my lunch, I sat down at the seat near the door. I'm not too fund with heights so it wasn't within my will to sit near the edge even if there's a fence, I once tried to look down there and it felt like the ground was about to pull me.

As I sat down, a girl's silhouette approaches me from behind. "M-Mizukishi-kun?" It was the principal's daughter, Chisa Hanamichi. I stood there dazed as memories flood in my head.

A/N: This chapter was really short I apologize, but I think I can continue this now and sorry for the really long break

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