Chapter 2

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(Hello. I would like to inform you that I don't care if it's Christmas or Halloween I will make it Christmas during Summer or some shit. Continue.)
[Max's Pov]

"Hey Nikki." The teal haired girl turned around "Hey Max!" He ran over to me and hugged me. I pushed her off "Don't touch me." She pouts before letting go of me "Anyways, Neil is making a potion, but I'm highly sure he's going to fail, but I still cheered him on." Nikki gasped "You? Cheer someone on?" Nikki glared at me "Who are you?" I rolled my eyes "I regret coming to you." Nikki thought for a second.

"Didn't Neil have a Diary? Like that brown book?" I thought for a moment 'Forgot to look through that..'. I nod as Nikki continues to talk about bugs and other things I refused to pay attention to. When it got dark David called everyone to the mess hall.

Once everyone was in the mess hall David clapped his hands together, "Everyone's here! So we can go ahead and eat!" I look to my right to see no Neil, "Where the fuck is Neil?" I growled. I got up after taking a few bites and walked to our cabins.

The new thing about this camp camp is the cabins, the air conditioning, and the WiFi. Other than that it sucks. Girls have to share with girls While boys share with boys. Me and Neil shared a cabin because he was my friend and David wouldn't give us our own cabin.

I head inside our cabin and lock the cabin door. Now Nobody could get inside because I stole our cabin key from David. I look at Neil bed to see him snuggled up in some blankets. 'Cute. Wait What?' I shook my head heading over to Neil's dresser looking for his diary. I found it and it looked different than before. It had a light yellow as the cover and written in black sharpie in cursive was  "Neil's Diary. Do not touch." I rolled my eyes and opened it reading the first page.

Entry Number one

Today was pretty weird. Max got kidnapped by the wood scouts while Nikki and I hung out with the flower scouts. Nikki wasn't treated fairly so In the end I decided to take Nikis side and we headed home. It wasn't all that bad, but when I saw Max I felt really bad. He got stabbed with a candy cane and I just left him. I am such a terrible person...Anyways the dinner here is something I'd rather skip. Scratch that.

All of the meals I'd rather skip. I have no idea what's in them. I swear that Quarter Master is trying to kill us. Nikki is pretty cool Shes hyper but really loyal. Max is the best though!he acts really mean and sarcastic but I know that he just has some trust issues! I mean He never really is mean to me or Nikki To often.

It doesn't really hurt when he tells us that he doesn't like us because I know he's Lying. Max really is a good person and I'm 95.5% sure this diary is going to be about how i feel about max in general. Well anyways I need to go cause I'm running out of space to write so this is it Diary goodbye.


'Well Shit. Now I have to read the rest of this.' I yawned. In the morning. I pat Neil's fluffy head and head to my bed. Grabbing Mr. Honeynuts and cuddling him until I fall asleep.

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