Neils Birthday (Part 2)

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{Neil's Pov}

"Come on Max please!" I giggled. Max rolled his eyes "No. I may have planned the party but I'm not getting you a cookie. Stop being lazy!" I frown. I look at Harrison, "I'll ask Harrison." I was walking to Harrison but was stopped and pulled to the snack table.

"Nope. Now, grab a fucking cookie." Max growled. I grabbed a cookie and shoved it in his mouth. "mHpH" he chocked on the cookie by surprise, but still managed to eat it. I grab a cookie for myself and eat it, "Yummy cookies." I walk towards Nikki, "Nikki i need you to-." Nikki was currently staring at me with a weird type of look.

"Are you okay?"  She smirked, "Tell him you love him." She said smirking. I didn't even respond I just walked away.


It was now time for cake. (I'm only doing this cause I rlly hate regular cake!i only like ice cream cake~Author) it was ice cream cake. Oreo ice cream cake to be exact. I smiled. David lit the candles, and they all started to sing happy birthday.

After the cake it was time for presents (You'll find out later ^w^) I smiled and laughed "You guys got me to much stuff!" Max only shrugged, "You deserve it nerd." I smiled as Nikki nodded as the rest were shocked that Max was being nice for a change, David on the other hand was well....fangirling? Fanboy? Eh I don't know.

Me and max headed back to our camp. I pulled out my phone that I snuck in and started to play random games. Now that I think back to well, a few summers ago when we were younger how good I was at doing flower scout things. Like Manners, and Knitting, and other stuff. It's kinda odd for a boy to do that right?

No. It's not. I really need to stop overthinking. I place my phone down and start to work on my Wings Project. Max rolled his eyes, "So Neil, you hit people with branches often?" Neil blushed in embarrassment.

"S-Shut up! It was an accident!"


"Ugh, I'm going to bed."

"Want me to join you again."

I paused and looked at him, "W-Wha?" Max turned away and blushed "Last night you uh...pulled me in bed with you and you snuggled me..." I burst into a wave of embarrassment "M-Max I'm so sorry!" Max sighed "I know that it must have made you uncomfortable-."  (No it made him very ✨C O M F O R T A B L E✨). Max threw one of his hoodies at me.

"It's cold. Wear it." I nodded putting on the blue hoodie that fit me perfectly. Now I was in sleeping shorts and Max's hoodie. Max yawned and pulled me into his bed, "This is payback." I blushed snugging into Max. Max's scent surrounded me, All I could smell was him It was wonderful.

Let's just say it was the best sleep I've ever had.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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