Chapter 4 (Neils Birthday Part 1)

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((So like Max and Neil are the same height. I know that Max is shorter but I don't care so don't correct me in the comments cause I don't care. Also I will delete your comment-)
{Neil's Pov}

       I woke up in my bed. It was cold because of the air conditioner, most likely because of the extreme heat outside. Max isn't in the cabin for some reason. I check my watch it's, 12:42 in the morning.

I get out of bed and put on my usual outfit. I brush my hair After I'm done getting ready. I walk out the dorm to see nobody outside. 'Okay where the hell is everyone?' I look around before shouting,


I heard no response.




Pure silence.

Now I'm getting scared. My legs start to shake as multiple ideas go through my head 'What if they have been kidnapped? What if there lost? What if they went on a hike and got trapped? What if there dead?! What if-.'  I get cut off from a sound coming from the mess hall. It then goes quiet.

"If it was them they would've only gotten louder' I grab a branch and head over to the mess hall. I kick the door open and it's dark. Very dark. I shout "I have a branch! I swear to god if you kidnapped the others I'll bash you in the head so hard!"

The lights turned on and everyone shouted "Surprise!" I got so scared I hit someone with the branch. I then fall to the floor breathing heavily, "Jesus Christ Neil. Calm down." I look at max "You gave me a fucking panic attack!" I glare harshly at him. I then look around to see.....

Decorations? I then remember that it's the my birthday, "O-Oh!" I blush in embarrassment. I stand up and head to the door, 'Not today Satan!' I get stopped by David "Where do you think your going Neil?" I glare at him, if looks could kill he'd be dead.

He only laughs, "David I'm not in the mood for pranks!" Nikki gasped "We would never!" I rolled my eyes, "That's bullshit!" Max grabs me by the shirt and pulls me close to his face "I didn't put all this together so you couldn't fucking enjoy it Neil!" I felt head rise to my face "You put it together?" He blushed a little and looked away.

"Yeah. So what." I smiled widely "I guess I can enjoy this." Nikki smirked at me knowingly. I only rolled my eyes and looked around, "What do you wanna do today Neil." Gwen asked. I looked at them, 'Did they not plan anything? Just as I suspected they only did this because they could have a party' I stop smiling

"I think I'll be in my cabin have fun with the party guys.." I sigh as I walk out the door.

[Max's Pov]

"What the fuck just happened?" I asked everyone, Nurf looked at me "I have no idea." He told me. I growled, "What the fuck is wrong with Neil." They all look at me weirdly "Didn't you put this together just for a party?" Gwen asked me. I look at her with pure rage.

"No I didn't!" They all looked surprised. I then stand on top of a chair glaring at them all, "I'm going to bring Neil back and ANYONE who even glances at Neil the wrong way is going to fucking die. Do you all understand?" They all nodded there heads rapidly. I smirk and walk out the door heading to our cabin.

I walked in to see Neil on his been being sad and shit, "Why the hell are you sad?" He turned his head to look at me. He got of his bed and hugged me. I blushed 'Shit don't freak out!' Neil sniffled and looked at me, "Well I thought that you guys only had the p-party so you could have cake and stuff.."

I grabbed him by the shirt, "Well I didn't. This day is about you and how you wanna spend it. So man up and hangout with me in the mess hall." Neil smiled a bit, "Okay!" We then proceeded to walk out the cabin into the mess hall.

Everyone looked scared when we walked in. Max must have threatened them or something. I look at the snack table, "Max I want cookies." Max rolled his eyes "Then get some." I laugh a little "Max you were so nice earlier why so mean to me now?~" he blushed "Shut up Neil!" I laughed.

This is going to be a great day.

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