Chapter 3

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[Neils Pov]

I heard screaming coming from outside, but I was to tired to care. I nuzzled closer to the blankets. I was slowly falling asleep again before someone decided to throw water on me. I sprung up "Why cold water?!" I shivered. I look to my right to see the culprit. Max.

I tackle him to the floor, "You fucking asshole!" Max laughed as I continued screaming curses. I rolled my eyes "What time is it." I asked. Max only shrugged "It's 2 in the afternoon. I locked the door so David wouldn't come in to wake us up." He replied before sitting on the rug in the middle of the floor. I screeched, "Max you know I'm working on something important!"

I rushed to my desk and grabbed my science equipment placing them in front of max. He only shrugged obviously bored, "Look how about we hangout tonight in the forest? Just you and me. While I work on this you can hangout with everyone else." Max sighed "Fine. I have stuff to get anyways."

Max walked out the room. I smiled to myself and grabbed my diary writing in it before putting it back and working on my project.

[Max's Pov]

I headed to the David and Gwens Cabin. I kicked down the door and screamed "David I need you to assist me!" David smiled and ran toward me picking me up, "Yes Max?" He asked sweetly "Take me to town I need to get stuff for Neil's Birthday tomorrow." I growled. David gasps, "His birthday is tomorrow?!" I nodded.

After that We went to the town and got him a lot of gifts. When I say a lot I mean we got him like 85+ presents. It was crazy and expensive. So very expensive. I didn't have to pay for it so I didn't care at all. I did feel bad for dad- I mean David. We headed back to camp and wrapped the presents.

After that we hid them under the floor boards in Me and Neils cabin. Neil wasn't there because he was eating dinner in the mess hall. When we were done we headed to the mess hall. Nikki was whispering stuff to Neil that made him flustered. It wouldn't hurt to listen in. Nikki smirked and I could hear the words she spoke,

"So Neil you have a crush on someone at the camp?~" Neil blushed and nodded, "Hate to tell ya Neil but I'm not into ya." She said dramatically.  Neil looked at her in disbelief , "Ew! Nikki no! I don't like you! I like someone else!" She smiled "Is it ma-." He put his hand over her mouth.

"If you want to see the fucking sun tomorrow then shut the fuck up before I choke you to death." Nikki backed away a bit "Jesus when did you get scary.." I decided to reveal myself, "So Neil has a crush?" I sat next to him smirking at his shocked and flustered face. I laughed, "No need to be embarrassed tell us!" Nikki nodded, "Yeah tell us!"

Neil only got up and grabbed my hand dragging me into the woods. I guess we are going to hang out now. Neil brought me to a place in the woods I never really saw before. I sat down on the grass around some blue,yellow, and pink flowers. Neil sat down next to me and leaned on my shoulder.

I blushed a bit 'What the hell? Why the fuck is he leaning on me? Why am I flushed? Crap! Push him off you say something!! What the fuck?!'  I thought about saying something but all that came out was, "The moon looks n-nice right?" Neil only smiled and nodded.

Neil smiled "This is really nice right?"

I nodded, "Yeah this is pretty amazing."



"Your the best"


Neil kissed me on the cheek nuzzled into me and before I knew it he was asleep. I sat there shocked. I was as red as a tomato. I picked Neil up bridal style. And carried him to our cabin. 'He fucking kissed me on the cheek! Friends don't do that! It was nice...' I blushed at my thought. I placed him in bed. Kissing him on the cheek.

Because this is a cliche fan fiction Neil grabbed my arm and pulled me into his bed. I sighed and fell asleep next to him.

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