❄ Genres ❄

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Here, are the few genres we provide as of now. Some may be added in near future seeing the response.


Romance :  [20/20] Closed

Thriller / Horror  : [7/10]

Mystery / Crime : [6/10]

Romcoms  ; [4/10]


Short stories

¤ 2 Shots : [1/5]

¤ Above 2 to 5 Shots: [1/5]

¤ Above 5 to 10 Shots : [2/5]

One shots Books/ Shots Book: [7/10]

Pregnancy/Babies : [3/10]

Emotional / Intense :


If any genre you want us to include , please let us know.

The readers and writer's can nominate their books and other's .


The last date for nominating books will be 10th July 2020 (10.07.2020) 12:00a.m. IST. After that none of the entries will be taken.


● Thank you ●

Admin ●|1|●|2|●

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