Crime/Mystery Reader's Judge Results.

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Judges and Admin,


Shivika Fandom

Warm greetings from Readwrit_awards!

Firstly, congratulations to all the lovely people who participated in this competition and made it a success.

For fair and healthy competition we have rechecked  given by the judges and gone through the score sheets also made changes if needed . The below is the final and fair score sheet of Crime/Mystery Genre. Go on scroll down further citizens!

For further clarification DM readwrit_awards only and not the judges  because they would have a different score sheet compared to one below.

Thank you,
Judge & Admin


Reader's Judge : jasminedarcie


1.GOLD (1st Place ): Law or Heart

Writer: _arya21_


"Law or Heart" is a magnificent piece of work that brings originality and creativity to the table that Shivika fandom needs. This book explores the journey of almost divorced couple Shivaay and Anika who reunite when Shivaay is accused of murder and Anika decides to be his lawyer and represent him. I love how the writer explores the independent characters of Shivaay and Anika giving them a perfect balance that justifies them becoming Shivika and falling in love. The way the writer shows even divorce cannot break apart a marriage seen in how Anika supports Shivaay as his wife and stays strong is beautiful. I love how there are twists and turns in the book that make it very unpredictable, but yet keep one intrigued and interested in knowing what happens next. The romantic scenes are shown really well in this book, though, I was craving for more in these scenes, but still the Shivika scenes were well done in terms of dialogues and emotions...showing Shivika's growth as a couple from one that hated each other to loving each other. The key element that ties this book is the writing style that is simple, but elegant. There is warmth in the writing and it is not mechanical meaning the simplicity is what drives the story in how the writer uses just simple words, but enough to evoke emotion and make me feel the desire of wanting to see Shivika reunite as soon as possible

The struggles and conflicts along with key thrilling scenes kept me interested to a point I could not put the book down. The book is raw, realistic, yet, has that magic Shivika had in the show, but it is so original and creative. I love the scenes where Shivaay was drunk and become a total baby and vulnerable...the scene showed his humanity that made Anika connect to him. The way the story kept realism by showing that even couples who are about to fall apart are still intimate is so real, yet, never shown in books because people avoid the topic. The writer had guts and courage to show this shade of relationships that people do not like to explore...and it was beautifully done and full justice was done to Shivika's journey,every character faced justice. I loved how the characters showed growth,I loved how Anika was a strong, courageous woman who still fell in love, but had self respect and put that above everything else. I loved how Shivaay's character evolved like he had layers of being cold on the surface, but warm, vulnerable, and human below. Their love was justified through their emotional moments and struggles in court,the way marriage was shown in form of trust and bonding that Shivika had due to the court case was magnificent. This book kept me in a good mood despite the intensity in it,perfect usage of intensity was done that was well balanced with romance. Basically this is the best crime and mystery genre book I read and I absolutely love it and cannot wait to read the sequel if there is one! Amazing job done and please continue to be original and creative! Shivika fandom needs creativity!

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