Chapter 10 ~ Attacked

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I stumble foward and slighty open the front gate, when I do, a cold wind brushes through my hair and it flows swiftly around the sudden breeze.
hm. Minty.
I shut the gate while I walk in, it seems quiet.

Something grabs my leg and pulls it, causing me to falls on the ground on my hands and knees. Someone grabs me from the top of my head and holds me in their arms. My right elbow drives back, landing square in the stomach of my attacker. He grunts, and starts to curl up into a ball. The bottom of my left hand is swining towards his his scalp, I swing it back up, twisting it until the back of my fist hits him square in the face. I grab a rock in my hand and hit him with it in the face. Under my knuckles, I feel the bridge of his nose crack. I spin around to face him, his eyes are closed and he is screaming with agony. Blood runs from his nose and stains my hands. His left hand reaches out to grab me. I lift my hand and knock his away.
My hands snap back and claws down, nails long and sharp, digging my fingernails into his scalp. He raises his hands to his head and yelps in pain.
Leaving his throat unprotected, I draw back my right foot, and drive into his throat as hard as I can. He lays flat on his back, twitching, but not moving. Im not sure he is breathing.

Realizing I have nothing on me, I reach into his pockets, and grab his wallet. Along with his watch and his gun.
huh. he was planning to shoot me, eh? well too bad.
I reach my hand over to check his pulse, yup. He's breathing.

His eyes open quickly and grabs my arm, I gasp and accidently throw the gun a few feet away. Shit! His face looks angry, he pins me dwn and spits on me.

"um. EW!" I spit back at him

He lifts me so that I am standing up and wraps one arm around my waist, while his other hand is on my mouth. I elbow him, making him loosen his grip, and I run away. I run to the gun and grab it.

I point it at the man, and he lifts his hands up automatically.

"Hey kid, put that down, it's not a toy." the man growls.

"Hey bitch, Im not a toy ethier." I spit at him. He looks at me with wide eyes. I carefuly look him down, he looks about 25 or so. his breath reaks so much of alchohol that I can smell it from 10 feet away.

"Listen you lil' shit, put it down and nobody gets KILLED" he slurrs his words towards the end.

"Take one step closer and you'll be the one who will be killed." I glare at him

He gulps, turns around, and begins to run away.

I pull the trigger, and down he goes.

He lays in a pool of his own blood. I walk over to him. I hear him take his last breath. His eyes are wide open, I lift my hand and close them. I stand up.

"Rest In Peace, Uncle David."

I grab the gun and hold it in my hands.

I make my way back home.

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