The call

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(Madison POV)
"Can you put the volume down I yelled at my brothers as I walked into the room. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" keithie joked as Greg put the volume down. "Haha very funny dumb ass" I said as I sat down scrolling on my phone listening to my dad yell at sandy.

"Sup kids have you guys heard of the game shoots and ladders". "Pretty awesome game I use to play when I was a kid what it is, is that they give you a spinner if you spin and land on a ladder you get to climb and if you land on the shoot you slide down and start over again" dad said. "Ya what happens winner gets a training bra" Greg joked "ya dad that game sounds like it sucks me and keithie said "no I'm telling you this was like the greatest game me and my buddy's would play this on a winter day go down to the basement and drink hot chocolate.

"I wouldn't mind some hot chocolate right now, hey rita, Rita keithie called for rita "dude you got to text her she doing laundry" I said. "Hey dad can we get a 150 inch t.v" Greg said you know what when you direct E.T I'll get you one of those" dad said

"What is the game you're on a cures ship and you chop people head of with a chainsaw" dad questioned "oh and you can drown them" keithie said. "Can somebody answer the phone" dad said. "Maybe I can get candy for my throat" keithie said "hey can you ask her for a ice tea to" I asked keithie "can you stop texting the nanny you know how gross that is for a kid who text their nanny just go walk down the hallway" dad said annoyed.

"Why you text everybody" I said "I text people for my job so I can make money to pay your texting" dad said to me. "Ok I got everything for you guys" rita said walking in with a tray. "Who was that on the phone rita " dad said "I'm sorry mrs.feder i don't know Becky answered" she said. "Omg rita this isn't contable are you trying to poison us" Greg said as us three spit the drink out. Good lord go back to texting I don't ever want to hear that out loud again" dad said standing up.

"What the heck is going on" dad said as I look out the window to see the car in are lawn and crash into the table. "Omg" I said running out after my dad "I didn't mean to it was a accident" Becky said running out of the car "I don't care are you all right" dad said hugging her "what the heck where you doing" he asked

"I was trying to use the navy" she said "the navy what's the navy" dad said confused "the navy in the car to ask it a question" she said. You mean the navigation system idiot Keithie said making me laugh. "Shh keithie,madison relax" dad said. "Some man called he said your friend coach buzzer went to heaven I was trying to find heaven on the navy station so you could go visit him, who's your friend dad" Becky asked

"coach buzzer was someone very special in daddy life ok go drink hot chocolate with them you sure you are ok" dad asked again.

(Dylan Lamonsoff POV)

Me,dad,Ben and Donna where in the pool "Eric hun it's your mom" mom said walking out of the house with the phone in hand. Dad was trying to get out of the pool but he broke it making all of us fall out "Eric are you alright,Donna,Dylan". "Ben stay in the duck stay in the duck mom said freaking out dad ran to get the phone making him trip on the chair making me laugh.

"hello mommy he said making me laugh even more but then his face dropped making me stop. "Oh ok I'll be their" dad said upset "dad what's wrong I asked coach buzzer died he said "pack for a few days" he told all of us making me look at mom as he walked inside.

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