Tree house

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Madison POV

After we came back home from the water park I went to take a shower and changed into a simple outfit.

After we came back home from the water park I went to take a shower and changed into a simple outfit

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I walked back into the room to see  Jasmine, amber and bridgett talking about building a tree house. "Hey Madison want to join us in building a tree house" Amber asked.

"Sure why not I got nothing better to do" I said as I put my shoes on. "Yayy a tree house" bridgett said exited causing us to giggle.

"So where should we build it" Jasmine asked "what about if we build it next to the basketball court and we also need some supplies" I said as we walked down to the living room.

"Dad, Gloria and Marcus went for the stuff " amber said. "We should probably start measuring the tree we want to build on" Jasmine said. "Ya your probably right" i said as we walked outside.

"Let's build it on that tree" bridgett pointed at a good looking tree. "Ya that could work" amber said. "So do any of you know how to climb a tree" bridgett nervously asked.

"I do, you guys don't know how to climb a tree" I asked looking at them. "No" they said at the same time.

"Oh well want me to teach you guys it's really not hard" I said to the three sisters. "That would be great" they said excited.

"Ok so what you want to-do" what are you girls doing" Kurt interrupted me. She's teaching us on how to climb a tree" bridgett said shyly.

"you know how to climb a tree?" Dad asked surprised

"ya, why do you look so surprised" I chuckled. "When did you learn? I don't think I showed you how to climb a tree?" Dad said.

"That's because you didn't the babysitter did remember when I was 8" I said climbing up the tree.

"We never had a babysitter" dad laughed nervously. "Ya we did when you and mom where out a lot " I said sitting on the branch. I think I shocked them considering that no one talked.

"Hey guys where back with the stuff, what did we miss" Marcus said as no one answered him. "Nothing really" I said as the girls passed me the measuring tape.

"They where talking about how dad and mom didn't have time for Madi when she was younger" greg said. "Shut up" dad hit the back of his head making me giggle.

"It's ok I hold no grudges against you guys" I said jumping off the tree.
It looked like dad was about to say something but I cut him off.

"Dylan want to help us with the treehouse" I asked "ya sure" he smiled.

The girls Dylan and I started to measure the wood to make sure it'll fit as for the parents they went back to playing with the kids.

We had already done the bottom part and the stairs when we heard a voice coming from the ground.

"Madi can I help you guys" said Keithie "sure, we could use another pair of hands" I said making him smile.

    _______20 min later ________

"Omg what a perv he's totally checking me out". Bridgett said makings me look up to see Dylan dad looking at jasmine behind. Thinking he was looking at her making me chuckle.

     ________2 hours later ________

"And where done" amber said as we all stepped down from the tree house. It looks good doesn't it" I said as the rest nodded.

"We should head inside it's getting dark" Dylan said putting his arm around my waist. We all agreed and headed towards inside.

"Ok guys, us adults are going somewhere you guys stay here and behave" the parents said.

"Madison make sure your siblings don't do nothing stupid" mom said walking out with the rest of the parents.

"Were so bored" greg said sliding off the bed making me roll my eyes. "What if we build a fort" Donna asked "yessss" all the kids yelled. "Ok ok let's get pillows and blankets off the bed and " Dylan said.

We started to build the fort and got snacks to watch movies and not long before we fell asleep.

We started to build the fort and got snacks to watch movies and not long before we fell asleep

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