sleepless night - fluff, very very slight smut

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Diana turned and shifted herself under her covers on her bed every few minutes. All Diana saw was black. She slowly opened her eyes. The moonlight was coming through her window and slightly lit up her room. She shifted herself to her side to look at the door. She thought for a moment. I can't sleep... wait. I know exactly where I should go.

As quietly as she possibly could, Diana got out of her bed and walked to her door. She opened her door equally as quiet. She looked straight ahead and shifted her gaze around.

Diana shifted her weight to her hips so when she stepped forward, her footsteps were very light. As Diana walked through the hallways, she was very cautious and quiet. The last thing that she wanted was to be caught by a faerie or professor.

Eventually, she made it to the hall that she wanted to be in. She looked at a door on the right side of the hallway. She opened the door quietly. She heard faint noises of breathing. She shook her head and thought, this is so wrong..

Diana entered the room slowly. She saw a sleeping Sucy on a bed to the right of the room. She looked around and saw whom she was looking for, Akko. Akko was sleeping on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed at the left of the room. Diana walked over to Akko. Akko was a loud sleeper. She let out loud snores that amused Diana, Diana also thought that that was very in character for her.

Diana touched Akko's shoulder softly.

"Akko." Diana whispered in a very low voice. Akko didn't wake up. Diana touched it again, but grabbed it this time. "Akko." Diana repeated. Akko slowly opened her eyes.

"D-Diana?!" Akko exclaimed softly.

"Sh.. keep your voice down. We're not supposed to be up at this hour." Diana instructed Akko.

"Yeah." Akko lowered her voice. "But. Diana, what are you even doing here?!"

Diana blushed and looked away from Akko. "Ah.. uh.. I-I couldnt sleep. So I came here because.. I felt that you would help me sleep."

Akko's eyes widened and her pupils in her maroon eyes widened, her eyes took in more light from the bright night that came in through the window. Akko blushed slightly and she nodded. "Alright. Come lay down."

Diana's eyes widened. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah." Akko scooted over more towards the wall to make room for Diana to lay down next to her. Diana grabbed the covers and took them away from Akko and slipped into it and laid down next to her. Then put the covers over herself

Diana situated herself in Akko's bed and sunk into the bed. She slowly closed her eyes with Akko's remaining open. Diana scooted herself closer to Akko, she snuggled into Akko and took in the warmth of her.

Diana put her arm on Akko's stomache and Akko's face flushed intensely. "D-Diana.." Akko squeaked. Diana only responded with quiet breaths.

Akko clenched her covers and she stared at the bottom of the top bunk. Her face was hot and flushed. She looked at the sleeping Diana beside her for a few moments. Akko touched her face and ran her hand down it. Why is she so cute?! AAAaaH. Akko asked herself in her mind.

Akko finally released her tension and sunk into her comfortable bed. She turned towards Diana and wrapped her arms around her too. Akko kissed Diana on the forehead ever-so-slightly. Diana made a small smile and Akko snuggled into her. After a few minutes, Akko found her trance that she had been in before Diana woke her up, but it was even better. Akko fell into her sleep quickly.


Akko opened her eyes and woke up. Her vision was a bit blurry but she recognized and saw was the face of a sleeping Diana. Her vision began to clear and she looked slightly above Diana and saw Sucy and Lotte standing right by her bed.

Akko sat up quickly, startled. Her face filled with blush. "Sucy! Lotte!" She exclaimed.

Diana started to wake up. She sat up too and rubbed her eyes. "What's going–?" Diana looked around, first at Akko, but then turned to see Sucy and Lotte at her back. "Oh!" Diana's face flushed with red.

"I told you it was Diana." Sucy said to Lotte.

"Diana, what are you doing here?" Lotte asked softly.

Sucy chuckled. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Hey! Um.. we can explain!" Akko told Sucy.

Sucy began to make fun. "Did you guys have fun? You were awfully quiet. Why didnt you do it in Diana's room?"

Akko growled softly, she grabbed her pillow and threw it at Sucy. "Shut up!"

Sucy dodged the pillow and chuckled.

Diana finally spoke. "I- We really can explain. I came in here after a few hours after 'lights-out'."

Lotte commented. "You broke the rules? That's not really like you, Diana. This must've been important.. how come you came here?"

Diana continued. "I came here because I couldnt sleep, I felt that being with someone–.. who I.. deeply care about would help me fall asleep.."

"Awh!" Lotte cooed.

Sucy grinned. "You two are so in love with each other."

Akko and Diana's faces became even more red. Akko went silent and turned away while Diana stammered, "I-i.. uh-um.."

Lotte pointed to the door. "Well. I can go get your uniform from your room for you."

Diana nodded and quickly said, "yes please, it's in my closet, thank you.

Lotte looked at Sucy and she dragged Sucy along. Sucy protested for a few moments until Lotte closed the door and they had left the room.

Akko looked around and she looked at Diana. Diana scooted closer to Akko and she looked down at Akko's thighs as Akko was sitting criss-cross. "Um.. thanks for letting me stay with you."

Akko's eyes widened and her pupils dilated. "Oh um.. no problem." Diana looked up to look into Akko's maroon eyes. Akko looked into Diana's blue eyes in return. Are we about to kiss right now? Akko asked herself.

Diana grabbed Akko's hand and held it. Akko glanced at her hand with Diana's. Akko put her head up, with her lips being met with Diana's quickly after she put her head up. Akko put her hand on Diana's side and sunk into the kiss. Diana squeezed Akko's hand slightly as they kissed.

Diana and Akko pulled away from each other slowly. "How about we spend the night together again tomorrow? But.. in my room?"

Akko smiled and she glanced down at her hand with Diana's hand once again and then back to Diana. "I'd like that. Should I bring my uniform?.." Akko asked, implying that she would stay overnight in Diana's room.



Word Count: 1140

Another act of my inconsistency That's thing that I love about oneshots. I can update them WHENEVER I want.


Stay safe, stay healthy, much love.


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