AJ(Random Encounters): Compromise

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Imagine making a compromise with AJ after after he gets increasingly angry because he's been staying up late working on videos for too many nights.

Requested by SuperGirlyGamer125

Requested by SuperGirlyGamer125

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(Angry AJ gif made by me)

(Your POV)
Night 1

"Good night, everyone." You called as you headed off to bed. You stopped at the stairs. Outmof the corner of your eye you could see AJ still working on a video.

"You going to bed?" You asked.

"Uh, yeah, in a minute." AJ replied. "I'm gonna stay up a little longer and finish this video."

You looked at the clock in the living room. It was already 11:30 pm. "Okay...but don't stay up too long." You said hesitantly as you proceeded up the stairs.

Later, you were awoken but the sound of footsteps trudging up the stairs and a door shutting and closing. You assumed it was AJ and you glanced over at your phone. 1:00 am.

I guess that's not too late. I'm sure he'll go to bed early next time.

Night 2

It was 11:00 at might and everyone was heading off to bec. "AJ, you can finish the video tomorrow." You said as you passed AJ in the living room.

"No, I want to finish it now or at least most off it." AJ retorted, his voice a little sterner than the night before.

You sighed. "Fine but just please don't stay up to late."

"I won't."

Later that night you once again her AJ coming up the stairs, this time at 2:00 am. You sighed again as you layed back down in bed. You were starting to get a little worried.

Night 3

12:00 am

"AJ, you finished up most of the video." You called. "Go to bed."

"I'm almost done. I want to finish this video." AJ said.

"But you keep staying up really late." You replied.

"I do not. I'm fine,(Y/N). Stop worrying!" AJ called back his voice almost a yell.

You headed up stairs. AJ usually never raised his voice. You heard him going to bed again, this time at 3:00 am. Each night, he stayed up later and later. And you were beginning to see how it was starting to affect him.

Night 4

As you headed up the stairs, you looked back over at AJ. It was 11:30 and he was still at the computer Working. You didn't bother to say anything as you noticed the agitated expression on his face.

Instead you just headed off to bed. At 4:00 am, you heard AJ's door open and close. You shook your head.

It's time to put a stop to this.

Night 5

"AJ, you need to go to bed." You instructed. "Finish that video in the morning."

"NO!" AJ yelled. "Stop worrying! I'm fine! I don't have to listen to you and I'm not going to. You can't control me or my life! Just stop butting into my business!"

You stood there shocked. "Who are you and what have you done with AJ?" You asked, you voice barely a whisper.

AJ raised an eyebrow. "What do you-"

"You're not the AJ I know!" You yelled back. "The AJ I know would never yell at anybody. He wouldn't say those things to his friends or family. He would know when to stop and not to over work himself. The AJ I know is sweet and funny. Not angry and self-forgetful!"

AJ stared at you for a moment before sitting back down in his chair and putting his head in his hands. "You're right." He said. "I'm sorry,(Y/N). I just really wanted to get these videos done. I guess I didn't see what staying up so late was doing to me."

You smiled down at him. "It's okay. I was just worried about you. And I'm sure we can find a way you can keep working and get a good night sleep that we'll both be happy with."

"Like a comprise?"

You nodded. "How about I'll let you stay up and work and not bother you, only if you set an alarm on your phone and when that alarm goes off, tou save everything and go to bed."

"Alrighy." AJ agreed. "How about I set my alarm for 1:30 am?"

"I can live with that." You replied.

Night 6

"Okay, I've set my alarm." AJ said.

"Good. Now I'm gonna check on you and you better be fast asleep in your bed at 1:30. And if you aren't, I'm smacking you." You replied.

"I will be. I promise."

"You better not break that promise."

"I won't."

Your raised an eyebrow.

"I won't." AJ assured you.

You smiled. "Goodnight."


1:30 am

You slowing slipped out of bed and quietly crept across the hallway to AJ's room. You opened the door and smiled. AJ was fast asleep. You walked over to his bed and placed a light kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks, J." You whisperd.

You headed for the door and behind you, you head a small whisper.

"I told you I wouldn't break my promise."

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