Chapter Five

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"Mr Top. Scorer~" Shinobu called out and stood up from a bench,

"Kocho, Please stop calling me that." He said blankly and looked up,

"Why not?" She asked and walked towards him,

"Because I have a name, and it's best if you use it." Giyuu sighed and looked at her,

"So why didn't you want to just eat at the cafeteria?" He asked still having a blank face on,

"I'll show you," Without a flinch Shinobu grabbed his wrist and pulled him ,

"Kocho, I don't understand why you still need to hold me" He said and stared at his wrist,

"I'm only holding you because the place we're going to is a place where only I know about!" She looked back at him and smiled,

Their school rooftop was pretty big,
It really didn't feel like just a school rooftop,
It felt like a Gymnasium.

"We're here!" She said positively,

They were infront of some kind of huge ventilation system, There were boxes in one corner.

"This is why we couldn't eat at the cafeteria? Because of some big air vent?" Giyuu asked with a slight tone of annoyance,

"Mr. Top Scorer, Don't judge a book by it's cover." She said that as she removed the pile of boxes to reveal an area behind it,

She let go of his wrist and went under the ventilation system. Giyuu followed her,

It revealed a beautiful view of the city,
it was cloudy that day and the sun was just peeking out a little, it added more depth to what they saw.

"Well, Mr. Top Scorer?" She smiled at him and laughed a little,

Giyuu was really stunned by the view,

"Mr. Top Scorer?" Shinobu waved her hand in front of him,

"Ah, Kocho. I'm sorry I underestimated this place." Giyuu said and sat down on the floor,

"Also again, stop calling me 'Mr. Top Scorer'." Giyuu looked at her and sighed,

"No" Shinobu teased and smiled at him,

"even if i tell her to stop again and again, it won't make a difference." He thought,

"Call me whatever you want. I won't mind then." He said blankly staring into the view again,

Shinobu smiled and sat down beside him handing him over a bento box,

Giyuu opened it to reveal a very creative lunch,

(im sorry i suck at describing so here's a photo-)

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(im sorry i suck at describing so here's a photo-)

"Kocho, that's adorable." Giyuu blurted out as he stared at the food,

"Ara ara, It's the first time I've heard the 2nd year's "forever serious" Top Scorer say something like that" Shinobu teased and pulled out another bento box,

"Then , I should take it back then?" Giyuu teased back ,

"Mr. Top Scorer, this is why people hate you so much." She smiled hiding her slight irritation,

In his mind, Giyuu was laughing
It was usually fun to see someone act like that,

-Time skip after lunch break-

"Well then, Mr. Top Scorer? I'll see you around." She said turning around and waving her hand at him,

"See you around, Kocho." He said as he slightly smiled,

The feeling he gives her,
It makes him want to see her once again.
Of course they will bump into each other since they're from the same school and batch-

He went down the stairs too, then he heard a vibration coming from his phone,

It was a text message from Sabito,

Makomo's best option

Sabito, Hello.
Why are you typing using correct punctuation ?

Isn't that how most people type?

Uh no
Oh, I'm sorry then.

The more you add proper
punctuations the more people
will think you're mad
Anyways, How did it go with the Vice President's younger sister?

Don't tell me you tried to hit
her or something, you'll be in
so much trouble,

Sabito I already asked
Kocho about it, According to
her all those rumors that her
sister is two-faced is comepletely

Oh, sorry about that Giyuu

Anyways hurry up and get to the classroom already


Did you notice the new cover? I made it myself :"D
Also I need suggestions for the special chapter!!

Word Count: 679

君のノート「Your Notebook」 | GiyuShinoWhere stories live. Discover now