(4) an old friend

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To thank Amelia for allowing her to live with her, Mia decided to not wake Amelia up for work and instead allow her to get the sleep she needs. Even though Amelia would never say anything or complain, it's clear that working every night till the early mornings and having to prepare for the night to come during the day is taking a toll on her.

So, today, Mia prepared.

Which she quickly regretted as five minutes after she opened the bar, a very familiar and recognizable person walked in, two others in tow behind him.

He extended his hand to the stunned Mia, "Hello, my names Harry. Is Amelia in?"

Mia snapped back into reality and shook his hand a little too eagerly, "Uh, um, yeah, yeah. Amelia's in. Um, my names Harry, er, sorry, my names Mia."

Harry let out a hearty chuckle at her nervousness, "It's nice to meet you, Mia. Would you be able to tell Amelia that someone is waiting for her? I'd love to surprise her."

Mia nodded, immediately turning around and running to the apartment upstairs to get herself out of the terribly awkward situation she created. She mentally cursed at herself for it all before knocking lightly against Amelia's bedroom door.

"Come on in." Amelia called out.

Mia widened her eyes in surprise to see Amelia already out of bed, showered and changed. Her brunette curls were pulled back by the same pair of sunglasses she always wore, the heart shapes being black this time for her outfit.

Amelia smiled, "Thank you for letting me sleep in today, Mia. I was wondering why my alarm was turned off, it was a pleasant surprise. Don't feel as though you have to owe me though, this place is already paid for so it was nothing, really."

"I do owe you. Seriously, thank you." Mia smiles before remembering the reason she came in the first place, "Oh! I almost forgot. You have a visitor downstairs."

Amelia slipped on her shoes as her eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion, "A visitor? Who?"

"Just come and see." Mia smiled slyly, "Trust me, you'll like who it is."

Amelia nodded slowly, a bit unsure of what Mia was talking about but followed her out of the room nonetheless. She pulled two strands of her brunette curls behind her head as she descended down the stairs, pinning it back so it was out of her face. She could hear the sound of small voices but she couldn't recognize them.

When she entered the main room of the bar, there was a man with his back to her, short curls above his head and two people in front of him, a brunette woman and a long haired man.

"Hello?" Amelia called out to the group, not sure why they were her 'visitors'.

Harry span around with a smile, "Did you miss me?"

Amelia broke out in a wide smile, "Harry Edward Styles."

"That's my name." He smiled back at her and opened his arms, gesturing for her to give him a hug.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, his around her waist and they swayed slightly on the spot. It was surreal: seeing each other after six years.

Both of them were a bit surprised that the other remembered them. But, to Harry, Amelia's face wasn't one to forget and all these years he'd wondered what would've happened had he reached out right after that night. To Amelia, Harry wasn't able to be forgotten, not that she wanted to, but each time she saw his face in the media, it brought her back to that night. That night she wished one of them made a move.

"What are you doing here, Harry?" Amelia questioned as she pulled away, his two friends waiting patiently behind them.

"How could I come near here and not visit Canyon Moon?" He smiled and gazed around the golden bar, "I like what you've done with place, Ames."

"Why, thank you. I'm quite proud of it myself." She peered her head behind him and extended her hand to the two others, "I'm Amelia Moore. It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Sarah, this is Mitch." The brunette smiled kindly, shaking Amelia's hand.

Amelia pointed to Mia behind her, "This is Mia. She works with me, and lives with me."

"Wheres Mary and Eddie?" Harry questioned.

Mia smiled softly while Amelia turned her gaze to her shoes, "Mary is in a nursing home now, and Eddie passed away two months back. January."

Harry's face softened, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

Amelia shook her head, "S'not your fault. Can I get you all anything?"

"Just some drinks, please." Harry smiled.

Mia led them to a table while Amelia went behind the bar, more customers filing inside as well. Dave found his regular table, four other regular groups doing the same. Amelia set drinks for Harry's group, and the regulars onto a tray and went around the bar, making sure to save Harry's for last.

Harry watched as she did so, the bright smile never leaving her face as she spoke to the customers. It was obvious they all liked Amelia with how they smiled brightly and held conversation with her, and he wasn't the least bit surprised. Harry found himself angry that he hadn't visited sooner, hadn't reached out, but he knew Amelia wouldn't say a word about it.

Amelia approached their table with a smile, "Are you going to drink this time, Harry?"

Harry laughed, a bit surprised she remembered that he hadn't drank anything that night, "I guess we'll have to see, will you be dancing with me tonight?"

"You can't come here without dancing."

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