(34) you're my cherry

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Harry groaned as I peeled myself away from his body reluctantly. It was time for me to go to Ethan's parents gallery and I didn't want to be late or else - he'd be angry and show up here. Again.

"Cherry..." He groggily breathed out, the nickname sounding ten times better falling from his lips.

I pecked the top of his head, running my hands softly through his curls. "M'sorry, baby. I have to go to his parents gallery today, I'll be back. No worries."

"No." He protested, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me to him tightly. "My Cherry. Ethan can speak to you another time... maybe."

I giggled at his overprotectiveness, "It's okay, baby. You know I'll be fine and I'm all yours, not Ethan's. He knows that."

"Show me that then." Harry speaks suggestively, wanting desperately for me to stay in bed and spend the day with him.

I chuckled at his words with a shake of my head, unprying myself from his arms so that I could actually get ready. Harry groaned as loud as possible, a bit childish in my opinion but sweet nonetheless. I showered and changed, keeping my hair down in its usual curls and pulled a denim jacket on top of my outfit.

Harry snaked his arms around my waist as I stood in front of the mirror, taking one last look at my outfit. "You look pretty today, you always do. S'amazing."

"You're too sweet to me, baby." I turned around, pecking his lips momentarily before having to remove myself from his arms for what felt like the millionth time that morning. "I'll see you later, okay? Get out today, visit some friends before tour."

"Or I could just visit you. Tag along with you and Ethan, make sure he keeps his hands off my Cherry." His jealously is laced in his voice and I find it oddly heartwarming.

"You're endearing today, Harry.." I look at him suspiciously, "Whats going on?"

"I have to leave you soon, want to show all my love to you before I have to do that." He mumbles with embarrassment.

I rub my thumb over his cheekbone, "No need to do that, plus I think you've showed me as much as you possibly can. Go back your home, get some clothes, do something for yourself then come back to me. I won't be long with Ethan, but I don't want you back till dinner time."

He throws his head back in a childish groan, "You're killing me, Cherry." The nickname falls off his lips once more, showcasing to me how much he truly likes it.

I laugh, "You'll be fine, bubs. Goodbye." I kissed his lips once more, and despite his protests, I exit the bar. I say my goodbyes to Mia and Matthew, then I'm in my car and heading to the gallery.

It's weird to be outside of the place again. I spent almost all my time there for a while, and I absolutely adored every second of it. It was a home away from home, until he broke me.

Ethan wraps his arm around my shoulders, resting his head atop mine and showing me just how much taller he is than me. "Whatcha doin', Cherry?"

"Looking at the beautiful artwork."

His mom spoke from a little ways behind us, "Amelia, you know I've made sure to put the paintings I think are the most gorgeous high on the walls for you. I know how much more appealing they are to you up there."

I smiled softly at the kind act, "Thank you, Mandy. I really appreciate that, all the ones up there look absolutely gorgeous." I turn Ethan and I so we're facing her. "This whole gallery is absolutely beautiful, I wish I could do art like they do."

"Oh, shush. Your art is beautiful." Ethan compliments, "Dad wouldn't have let my mom hang it up here if it wasn't."

"Thank you for doing that again, Mandy. It means a lot, trust me on that one."

"You're family to us, Amelia. Family does things to make other family members happy, it's called love."

I didn't even realize the tears that had welled up in my eyes a little bit just at the thought of it. I sit in my car outside of the gallery for a moment, afraid of what will occur if I enter. That day was the last time I ever saw Mandy because that night I told Ethan how in love with him I was, and he broke things off with me. I've just gotten myself over him, but now that he's come back into my life I feel as though everything has changed.

I'm still completely, and will probably always be, devoted to Harry entirely but Ethan and I had a completely different connection. We basically grew up together, and while my grandparents didn't enjoy his parents - they still tolerated because they wanted me to be happy. Mandy and Roy, his parents, showed me a different kind of love to, as if I was apart of their family all along. I felt like my life was complete, or at least it was going in the right direction. But, I like my life better now, I'm afraid of going back into this loop I used to live in.

A hard knock on my driver's side window knocked me out of my thoughts quickly. When I turned in surprise, I saw Mandy smiling brightly at me and waving frantically.

"Amelia! Amelia!"

I opened my door after she moved back a little with a smile, "Nice to see you again, Mandy."

She pulled me into a tight hug, "I've missed you being here! We were so upset when Ethan told us you ended things with him-"

"Wait, what?" I scoffed in disbelief, "I did not end things, Ethan did."

Mandy knitted her eyebrows in confusion before shrugging it off, "Oh, well it's fine now because you're back."

"I'm actually in a relationship." When her eyes lit up, for the wrong reason I spoke again, "His name is Harry."

"Oh." She frowned deeply while leading me inside, "Well, he doesn't matter now.. let's go look at your artwork."

"It's still up?" I questioned.

Mandy nodded and when we entered Ethan was standing in front of the artwork I had done, "Of course it's still up. You're still family."

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