(18) a horrid encounter

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I felt all the blood in my body turn completely cold. It felt as though every ounce of alcohol in my body had suddenly been knocked out by a sweep of wind. That sweep of wind being Dave.

Just by seeing him, I could feel his hands on me from that night. His disgusting words replaying in my mind as if it was some horrible nightmare.

"You look really good tonight, Ames."

I shakily spoke, feeling minuscule under his gaze, "What did you want to do?"

Dave laughed dryly at my scared nature, enjoying the dominance he had over me, "You."

"Amelia, don't you know you can't just turn a man on?"

"Don't worry, I'll get in there someday. I'll see you tomorrow night, Amelia."

I shivered just at the thought of it all, and Harry's hand gripped my hips behind me tightly. He knew I would want to give Dave a piece of my mind if he spoke, so he stood behind me. But right now, I couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

Dave was leant against the wall of the bar, just next to the blue door that was broken enough to show the yellow it used to be. There was a cigarette in his hand, which surprised and disgusted me at the same time. I didn't realize he smoked, and I for sure don't want his breath in my face now that I know he does. As rude as it is, I feel for his wife.

"You've always looked so good in dresses, Ames."

I shook my head, dismissing his weird compliment immediately, "Dave, you need to leave. Now. Just be happy I never went to the cops about what you did."

"Aw, what happened to Davie? What did I do wrong, babygirl? Why don't you tell me what I did?" He smashed his cigarette on the ground and stepped one foot closer, but didn't move another inch.

It felt as though his eyes were trapping me in a box. A box I couldn't seem to get out of. The man I used to see in his eyes was kind, and sad. Now, he's evil and weirdly happy, something I'd never seen and don't want to ever see again.

"You need to leave. This isn't a joke." Harry spat behind me, the first time I'd ever think there was actual venom laced in his voice.

First time I'd seen him angry like this.

A stray tear fell down my cheek, I'm not sure why but it did. "Dave, please just leave. I'll pretend nothing ever happened, as long as you don't show your face to me again. Please."

"Ames, you know I can't stay away from you that long." His lips twitch into a smile, "Did you ever figure out why my wife left me? Did she ever reach out to you?"

I shook my head and he laughed lightly, "Theres a reason she left me, Ames. And you're apart of it. Didn't you ever notice she didn't like you much?"

I smiled as I approached the table where Dave and his wife, Josie, were sat. "Hey lovebirds, can I get you anything else?"

Josie's eyes scan me in what appears to be distaste, but Dave puts his full focus on me with a smile. "It's nice to see you, Ames. How've you been doing?"

"I'm doing great, Davie. And you two?"

Josie spoke before Dave could, "Do you think we could get another server? I don't feel comfortable with you serving us."

My eyes widen a bit, and my mouth drops a bit taken aback. I've never had someone request for me not to serve them, especially when I hadn't believed I'd done something wrong. But, the customer is always right so I meekly nodded and went away from the table.

"She never liked you because I liked you." Dave explains as he realized what my mind was tracing back to. "I told Josie my obsession with you and she called me crazy! Can you believe that!" The beer bottle in his hand is thrown to the ground in pieces and Harry moves in front of me.

Harry's tone is authoritative as he speaks, "Dave, you need to calm down and go home. Amelia does not need this from you, professional action will be taken against you if you come near her again."

Dave locks eyes with me as I stand behind Harry, tears rolling down my face in a mix of fear and sadness, "You don't think I'm crazy. Do you?"

I don't answer so his voice raises as he stumbles towards me, "You can't think I'm crazy, Amelia! I love you. You're tempting me, and you know it. With those innocent outfits you wear and the way you flip your brunette curls around as you laugh. I had to be sad for you to speak with me, Ames, do you know how hard that was for me? I just wanted to touch your body."

I shake my head lightly, "Dave, please. You don't know me, you can't be in love with me. I think you should get some help, if you need me to help you get there I can but-"

"Don't say you won't be with me, Amelia Moore. We're made for each other!" His steps are sloppy as he comes near me and Harry begins to back me up more.

"Muppet, get in the car." Harry orders, his eyes never leaving Dave.

"What?" I speak in disbelief, not understanding what he's going on about.

"Amelia, get in the car." He repeats himself, his tone a bit more stern and I immediately listen.

Dave yells out to me as I shakily climb into the passenger seat. The second my door closes, Harry runs to the drivers side to start the car. When he sits down, he locks the door immediately and I let out sobs as Dave begins to hit my window.

"Amelia, babygirl! Come on now, you can't leave me! Don't leave me!"

"Please, drive."

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