(62) this is the end.

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One word to describe Amelia and Harry in this moment is elated.

They were completely thrilled to be together and to be happy. After so long of struggles not only in their relationship, but with themselves as well, it's only right for them to be so happy to finally be out in the clear.

Sure, as tour went on there was still little bickerings between each other, but everyone could see just how happy they were together.

It'd been almost seven years since the first time they saw each other, and four since they really began to know each other. And neither regretted a single thing, even the break up helped the two of them more than they could imagine.

And now, as tour came to an end, and Canyon Moon was happily owner by Mia and Matthew as Amelia got a degree in journalism, they found themselves in Paris.

Outside the same art gallery they had visited together the last time they were together.

Harry smiled softly, looking at Amelia in adoration just as he always did as she stared up at the paintings hung up high in the gallery. "I love you."

She chuckled lightly, "You're very cheesy, aren't you?" Amelia stopped their movements, turning towards him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and her hands laid on his chest. "What's up with you today? You're being very sweet.."

"Can I not be sweet to my gorgeous Cherry?"

Mitch made a fake puking noise, bumping his shoulder with Amelia's. "Ugh, how do you deal with this guy? So cringe."

"I wouldn't have given him a second chance if I was you." Sarah continues the teasing, as they both knew what Harry was going to do and enjoyed to delay it and ruin the moment a bit.

Harry glared at them both, "Don't give her any ideas, please."

Amelia laughed, basking in the happy moment that would disappear once they had to return home. "Maybe they're right..." She began to back away from him, but his grip tightened on her.

"Stop that." Harry sternly spoke and looked at Mitch and Sarah, "You two, go away."

Mitch and Sarah obliged to his request for the most part, but stayed in distance to where they could hear the couple. Anne would kill them if they didn't film what they were supposed to, and she'd kill Amelia and Harry while she was at it.

Amelia continued to lightly try to escape Harry's grip, just to mess with him and he glared down at her once he thought his two friends had disappeared.

"What are you trying to do, Cherry?" He questions and she halts her movements for a moment, shrugging once before returning to the same movements.

He squinted his eyes at her for a moment for bending his head down, peppering her faces with kisses which only caused her to squirm more and laugh loudly.

"Harry... baby.. stop! Stop...!" She spoke between laughter and after a while his own laughter mixed in as well before he stopped, holding her tighter to him as she stopped trying to escape his grip.

Harry didn't speak, he just looked into her eyes, wondering how he was ever going to ask her the question he planned to ask for so long.

She frowned, "Whats up? You're being different, baby."

"Oh." He came back to reality, "Different? I don't think so."

She wore a bored look, "You act as though we haven't spent months together. I know everything about you, my love. Nice try though, I'll give you points for effort." Amelia ran her ring-clad fingers through his curls, "Now tell me what's wrong."

"Iwanttomarryyou." He blurted out, all in one word and they both froze instantly. He let go of her waist, shoving his hands in his pockets as his fingers wrapped around the ring box, but he didn't pull it out.

He wanted her reaction first, but so far, she was frozen.

Sarah and Mitch watched from afar, laughing behind the camera as they filmed the interaction inside the empty gallery. Gemma was going to have a field day with this.

"What?" Amelia broke from her trance, wondering if she had even heard him right since it was so jumbled together.

"Iwanttomarryyou." He repeated, just as quickly.

She deadpanned, "I can't understand you when you speak like that. If this is a joke, Harry.."

"S'not a joke." Harry spoke slowly, "I want to marry you."

"You do?"

Amelia had been thinking about it for a little while now, I mean every person in their life told them that they knew the two would marry each other. Inside, they both knew it too, they couldn't imagine being in love with anyone else.

When you meet your person, you just know sometimes. Both Amelia and Harry knew, even if the beginning wasn't the greatest, both had that hope of their rekindle.

And it happened. While keeping as much of a separate life as possible after the therapist mentioned it, they both made sure to love each other more than anything else.

"Of course I do." Harry replied, getting down on one knee as to follow the cliche and cheesy thing he always read about. "Will you marry me, Amelia Moore?"

"Yes. A thousand times yes."

The End.

Thank you so much for reading this story, all your feedback and love has really shaped this into what it is. I'm sorry for the abrupt ending but I have almost no desire to write this story any longer.

Amelia and Harry will go on as whatever you want them to be. If you see another person in their future, then divorce in your mind it is. If you don't see anyone else, it's a happy life with children.

Personally, I see a happy life for the both of them. Amelia will still have internal struggles with herself, but will continue to better herself with therapy and doing things she loves, such as her journalism career. Harry will continue to tour, bringing along Amelia for as long as she pleases, and focusing on his family more in hopes to not do to them what he did to Robin and Amelia to Mary.

The Styles' accept Amelia into their family more with the loss of her own. Mia and Matthew end up separating, but staying friends and running Canyon Moon together. Matthew actually walks Amelia down the aisle at her wedding, while Megan is her maid of honor and Mia a bridesmaid.

A Grammy in Harry's future and a Vogue job in Amelia's definitely helps them a bit there.

ONCE AGAIN, thank you thank you thank you thank you.

All the love in the world to every single one of you and a million kisses as well.


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