(11) a simple bath

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Harry ran a bath silently as Amelia cried at the sight of herself in the bathroom mirror. His dirty kisses that left purple patches on her neck and chest made her want to puke just at the sight. She could still feel his grimy hands on her body, all she wanted to do was scrub every inch of herself. Harry's heart hurt at the sight, if only he had gotten there just a few moments earlier, then this may have never happened.

But, in the end, there was too many 'if only's' and 'what if's' that he couldn't allow himself to debate on it too much. As Amelia would always say, everything happens for a reason, but he can't help but hate this so much that whatever reason it is feels like a lie.

Harry wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head lightly, "It's going to be okay, Muppet."

"I know, Bubba. I just feel disgusting." Amelia sighed as she used his nickname in return for his use of hers.

Harry nodded in understanding, "Do you need me to stay in here?"

Amelia nodded shyly, "If its not too much of an issue. Just don't look. Once I'm in the bubbles will cover anything important, but do not peek until I'm in."

He raised his hands in surrender and turned around to face the door while she undressed, "Whatever you say."

He rocked on the heels of his feet to his toes as he waited patiently for her to finish getting dressed. Every few seconds, Amelia would let out a small grunt when she couldn't undress fast enough for her liking which caused Harry to chuckle each time. The sound of her body enveloping in the water allowed Harry to know it was okay to turn around.

"Hey, did I tell you to turn around?" Amelia mused playfully as he sat himself on her toilet seat, his head cocking slightly in amusement at her words.

Harry cheekily smirked, "Maybe I wanted a peek."

Amelia swatted her hand at him, getting him wet with the droplets of bubble and water emitting from it, "Oi, you cheeky boy."

Harry laughed loudly at her words, it was nice for him to see her joking around like usual even after everything she'd been through. But, it was easy to see how strong Amelia truly was. Her opening up about her past and everything she went through should've easily showed him that, but this event truly opened his eyes.

Harry knew one thing for sure; he would never regret dancing in the bar with her that night six years ago.

Without that night, he wouldn't be as happy as he is now. Sitting across from her while she bathes in peaceful silence, getting to admire her wet brunette curls and dazzling blue eyes in their content state. She was a dream; a girl that he would never forget, whether things worked out for them or not. But, there was always that voice in Harry's head, reminding him that his heart could be broken in a mere second, that he would ruin everything he loved about her by bringing her into his world.

But, could he help himself? Was there really any way to stop him now?

He's in too deep, he can't find the surface, but the good thing is, he doesn't want to. Even if that means that Amelia may be hurt in the end, he wants to be happy and he truly believes that she is happy around him. So, will she really ever be hurt by the world he lives in? She could be happy just because shes with him, right?

Amelia's sweet voice tore him from his selfish thoughts, "Tell me about your family."

"What? Why?" Harry cocked his head curiously, a bit unsure how she came to think about his family.

Amelia shrugged, her shoulders coming above the water a bit as she did so, "I just want to know more about them. You said they're lovely, no?"

Harry nodded, smiling at the thought of the loving family he has, "Yeah, they're lovely. They would love you to pieces."

She laughed lightly, "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded, "You'd all team up against me to make fun of me and then they'd ask me when I was marrying you to embarrass us both." Harry could picture it all as he spoke.

Anne opened her front door, smiling brightly as she took in her son and a gorgeous girl holding his hand gingerly, "Aw, my baby boy. I've missed your cute face."

Amelia giggled as Harry flushed red with embarrassment, "Mum, really."

Anne ignored his comment and turned her attention to the girl next to him, "You must be Amelia. I must admit, Harry wasn't lying when he said you were gorgeous. I can already picture the lovely children you two could create."

Amelia wasn't giggling this time, she was now flashing red just like Harry was, "Oh, um, thank you. Its nice to meet you, Anne."

Anne laughed to herself at how flustered and embarrassed the pair had gotten before beckoning them into her small home, "Come in. I've got home videos of Harry in the living room, Gemma and Michal are waiting in there."

"Sounds good." Amelia smiled politely and let go of Harry's hand, moving past his mom and towards where she believed the living room to be.

Harry glared lightly at his mother, not following Amelia so that he could scold her, "Do you have to embarrass me, Mum? This girl's going to think I'm weird and leave me."

"Then, she doesn't deserve my gorgeous boy." Anne smiled proudly before pulling Harry into her home, "Now if you want to keep her, I wouldn't leave her alone with Gemma this long."

Harry practically ran to the living room at the mere thought of the things Gemma could be telling Amelia about him. Gemma's favorite thing to do when Harry had anyone over, or even when he didn't, was to embarrass him as much as possible.

Amelia's laugh filled his ears as he entered the living room, seeing Gemma now standing next to the girl he brought and pointing at some of the old pictures.

"He wasn't too cute of a kid. Do you see that hair?" Gemma teased.

"Gem, come on now."

Amelia was silent for a moment after he explained what he believed would happen, a soft smile altering her peaceful features as she loved how thought-out it all was. "What are we, Harry?"

"We're whatever we wanna be, Muppet."

Authors Note

let me know if u all think i'm moving too fast, or have suggestions on how fast i should be moving. also, are these chapters too short or too long?

all the love,

o <33

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