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"It was an order" he said while coming closer to me.

"Listen to me! I'm not just some pack of potatoes that you can transfer without my permission! If that's your idea of falling in love with you looks, your fucking wrong!" I said to him as I pushed him.

He grabbed my hands and threw me on the bed as he was on top of me trying to pin me down, but I slapped him.

Which my dumb ass thinks that was a mistake.

He grabbed my wrist, "If you hit me again!-" I cut him off.

"What? Your gonna kill me??" I asked him.

"This is what you call a temper?" He asked as I looked away from him.

"How come your not Italian?" He asks while putting pressure on my hand.

Bitch because I'm not the fuck.

"How many mexican girls do you know?" I asked him.

"It looks like one is all I need to know. Also I'm Mexican too." he said coming closer to my face with attitude.

He got off of me and spoke.

"It will be a good year" he said.

No it wouldn't, I doubt it will be.

"I just need to react quicker, because I lose my vigilance when I'm around you" he said as he started walking away almost.


"Alejandro brought all your stuff, impressive amount of shoes for a five day holiday" he said with a smirk and left the room.

I did my makeup and hair as I put on a red dress and started to make my way outside.

I was walking down the stairs to where I saw Alejandro and Kairi were at.

Alejandro kept looking as Kairi put his glasses on a walked away, Alejandro licked his lips as he saw me.

"Breakfast is ready, miss!" Alejandro said as he was leading me to my chair.

"I'll do my best to help you." He said while putting on his coat.

"I think your boss wants me to gain weight" I said as I was looking around the little table with all the foods.

"I think he just wants to take good care of you, you know??" He said.

"But! I think your here to help me with everything I need. So I need you to sit down and help me eat it." I said as he chuckled and gave me a serious face as he sat down.

"Okay" he said while smirking.


I was starting to wake up from my nap on the bed that was outside till I saw Mattia standing over me watching me.

"Today I have some business to take care of. You will accompany me" he said.

He really just-

"I said I'm not going anywhere." I said to him with an attitude.

He nodded and looked around and grabbed my hand and pulled me up as he was leading the way.

We got into his Range Rover car as his driver took us downtown Italy to all the stores.

We went into one store as I was trying things on as Mattia was just on the phone.

He didn't have an opinion on the outfit I was wearing as he walked away on the phone.

Bitch who the fuck do you think you are-

We went into another store as I tried on stuff.

I looked at myself in the mirror and checked my sides and butt to see if it looked good as I turned to face Mattia as he was on his phone still I rolled my eyes as I felt him looking at my ass while I was walking away.

He looked at Alejandro to see if he was looking but he wasn't.

We then went to other stores as Alejandro and Kairi were holding my bags and everything.

We started walking to he other stores as I heard on of them dropped a shoe box as well.

Me and Mattia looked back as we stopped and Mattia gave them a serious look.

"Really? Alejandro!" He said as Mattia picked the box up and put it back.

We went into a lingerie store as I tried something on.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I was looking at my body as well.

I was feeling myself!! Who's this bad bitch!?

I started to fix something on the top of my boobs as I heard Mattia come in.

"Get out! Get out!! Or else I-" I shouted as he cut me off.

"Or else what!" He said as he was looking at my cleavage and leaned back on the mirror.

I started walking closer to him and put my hand on his chest.

"Or I guarantee you, this is the last time you'll see it!" I said as he was breathing heavily because of how close I was to him.

He put his hand around my neck as he pinned me on the mirror wall while choking me.

"I've ordered it!" He said in my ear as I felt his breath.

This shit was turning me on so much.

"And I'm gonna decide when I'm going to see it!" He said while looking at my cleavage as well.

He let go of my neck as he walked out.

I got of our it quickly and changed.

I walked out of the fitting room and threw it at him.

"See it on yourself!" I said as he was on the phone with someone.

I walked out as Alejandro and Kairi got up as Mattia stopped them.

"No wait wait! Let see where goes and what she does." He said as they obeyed.

I ran out the store and looked around to see if anyone could help me.

I saw a balcony that was close to the ocean as I thought someone would be there till I saw security guards.

Thank god.

I ran towards them, "Please I need help! Can you help me! Someone kidnapped me and I need help!" I told them.

The looked the other way and saw someone.

"Good morning sir!" They said as I turned around and saw Mattia.

What the fuck.

"Are you lost babygirl?" He asks as he took a couple steps near me.

"If you feel like running you should wear different kind of shoes." He said

I faked smiled.

"Sometimes, fighting is futile. You have to accept the situation. The faster the better for you. You can either make it hard for the both of us next year, or take part in an adventure that fate has given you" he said.

"It wasn't fate, it was you." I said.

"Sometimes we have to make our own luck." He said.

I started to walk closer to him, "is it true about what you said earlier?" I asked him as he looked confused trying hard to think about it.

"What do you mean?" He asks as he put his hands in his pockets.

"That you won't touch me without my permission." I said.

He came closer more, "I'm not the monster you think I am." He said as I sighed.

"I want my phone and laptop. Now. Oh and something normal for dinner, like Enchiladas." I said to him nicely as I walked to the car.


We finally got back home as I jumped in the shower as the maid put out all the stuff on my bed set out.

I looked around for which dress as I saw the lingerie under it as I smirked.


Authors note:

1250 words

365 days : mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now