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y/n pov:

I couldn't believe on what the fuck I just saw.

So I decided to tease him a piss him off about what I'm going to wear.

I started to do my makeup as I got done I went into my bag and grabbed out a shiny dress and put it on as I put my hair in a ponytail and started to put on some heals.

As I got done, I started heading down to the lobby walking towards Alejandros way.

Alejandro kept looking at me as he couldn't get his eyes off me.

I smirked, till he spoke.

"Listen to me! He's going to kill you, and then he's going to kill me!" He said, by the things that I'm wearing.

"Shall we?" I said as I started walking towards the car.


As we got to the club Alejandro grabbed my hand and started leading the way as he pulled me close to him while we were still walking.

"Listen y/n, we won't be alone okay? Some people will join us and we will have to discuss some matters with them." He said.

"Some people, some matters. Your going to play Mafia aren't you?" I asked him.

He started walking me up the stairs.

"Listen y/n. This is not a fucking joke, okay? Just keep your head down." He said.

I looked around as he took me to the second floors bar.

"Hi gorgeous!" He said to the bar tender girl.

"Okay, you wait here! Just one minute!" He said as I nodded my head.

Does he really think I'm just gonna wait here?

Hell no.

I made my way to some room where it had a lot of guys as there was two girls dancing on poles.

The room full of guys happened to be with Mattia.

I saw the fruit bowel as I saw cherries.

I grabbed one of the cherries as I started to take a bite out of it sexually as Mattia looked up at me.

He got up from his seat and grabbed my arm and started leading me somewhere else around the club.

He hovers on top on me.

"What the hell are you wearing!?" He asks with attitude.

"A couple thousand of euros of yours" I said.

He took a deep breathe as he kept looking at me up and down.

"Don't provoke me!" He said.

Why not, it's fun seeing him get like this

"Why?" I asked.

I smirked and put my had on his cheek.

"Are you afraid I'm to good at it? My dress is soo short!" I said while teasing him as my hand was making its way to his hand.

"And could get inside me without taking it off." I said as I grabbed his hand, I lifted up my dress from under with his hand.

My dress was riding up as he pulled me closer.

"You will be mine. I guarantee it." He said.

He has no idea how much he was turning me on. But no, I'm not going to let him have it fast and his way.

"Then.. I'll do anything I want, anytime I want to with you." He said as he smirked.

"Keep on dreaming" I said to him as I walked away.



585 words

I'm sorry that this was a short ass chapter.
And also for not updating yesterday even when I promised 😪 but just for that I will update two chapters tmr<3

(Which the 2nd chapter is The boat scene 😏)

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