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-y/n pov:

I woke up on a random bed Ive never see before. I got up quickly as I opened the window curtain to see were I was at.

And lemme tell you, I wasn't at the hotel anymore.

I ran to the door as I tried to open it but I was locked.

I sat on the bed and waited the whole day till someone opened the door as it was now 7pm.

I opened the door and walked down the stairs as I was curious to where I was at.

I made it to the last floor as I looked around to see anyone as there was nobody. I was looking around the place as I saw.

"What the fuck.." I said as I couldn't believe it.

I saw a picture of me in a big frame in the middle of the room.

Till i heard a voice.

"Are you lost babygirl?" He asked.

I turned around slowly as I was starting to freak out.

And everything went black.


I woke up as I was on the couch chair as he brought me an ice cube.

"Suck it" he said bring the ice cube close to my mouth.

He put the ice cube in my mouth as his fingers touched my lips.

"I didn't know you had a heart problem" he said.

I spit the cube out, "suck it yourself." I said.

He got up fast and went by the fireside.

"Why am I here? And who the fuck are you? And why are you keeping me here?" I said.

"Answer me!" I said.

"Sit down I don't want you to faint again!" He said pointing to the couch.

"Answer me!" I said as I was walking towards him.

I put my hands on his chest as I was trying to hit him and he grabbed my hands all rough.

"Sit down!!" He said while trying to handle me.

"I'm not your property!!" I said while trying to fight back still.

"Sit the fuck down!" He said as he threw me on the couch.

"Do you wanna know why your here or not?" He asked.

"Thank you" he said as I stood silent as he offered me a drink as I looked away.

"One day I saw you at the airport. You were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Once I saw you my heart stopped and I knew I had to make you mine." He said while putting his arm against the fireplace.

"I was looking for you around the world." He said as he took a sip of his drink.

"Something inside me had the feeling of certainty that one day you would stand in front of me and be mine." He said.

"You must be kidding" I said as I groaned.

"Nobody owns me. I'm not an object. You can't have me just like that, kidnap me and think I'm all yours." I said.

"I know." He said as he kept looking into my eyes.

"But that's why I'm giving you a chance to to fall in love with me. Not because I made you do it, because you will want to." He said as he was coming closer to me.

"But I've got a boyfriend who is probably looking for me. I've got family and friends, I've got my own life! I don't need a chance for love from you! So I kindly ask you to let me the fuck go!" I said in a loud tone.

He puts his drink down and hands me a black envelop.

I grabbed the envelope as I opened it and saw photos of Jacob having sex with other women.

"Your boyfriend doesn't deserve you." He said as he sat down and I kept looking at the photos.

"My people have taken your stuff from the room. And I left an note for Jacob, it says that your coming back to City and your moving out." He said as I dropped the photos.

I got up from my chair as he kept explaining the note.

"You know what" I said as I cut him off.

"Fuck off!" I said as I started to walk fast as he got up real quick from his seat and pulled me.

He threw me down the couch and put his hand around my neck and the other on my thigh as his knee was in the middle in between my legs.

He brought his face closer to me as I could smell his cologne.

It smelled good. It was attractive.

The hand that was on my thigh was moving up towards my chest as he was touching my boob.

"I won't do anything, without your permission" he said in my ear as I felt his breath as it gave me chills.

"I'll wait until you want me. You desire me, and come to me yourself." He said in my ear as I was breathing heavily.

His hand made it was down to my waist.

"I won't tie you up, but don't provoke me. I cant be gentle. I'm not used to tolerating disobedience." he said was coming closer to my neck as I kept breathing heavy.

He got up fast and stood up straight as I sat up straight.

"You have 365 days." He said as I took a deep breath.

"I'll do anything so you can fall in love with me." He said as I couldn't believe anything that was going on. 

It felt like a dream. 

"If next year on your birthday nothing has changed. I'll set you free." He says.

I got up fast and started to run as he caught me and grabbed me and pinned me against the wall.

His lips and mine were so close together as I made a move a grabbed his gun.

I pointed it at him.

"Okay, put the gun down or this will be stop being funny" he said as he grabbed the gun. And me and pinned me down the wall again.

My back was facing him as I was facing the wall.

"Do you really wanna kill me?" He asks as he was whispering in my ear.

"Many have tried and it's not that easy." He said.

Someone people had walked in as we got out of the position we were in at they started talking in code.


Authors note:

1060 words.

365 days : mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now