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-y/n pov:

As I walked away from Mattia and headed down to the dance floors bar and started to drink.

I saw Alejandro looking up from the mini balcony watching everything I do, as I guy bumps into me a little and asks the bar tender for drinks.

I saw Alejandro sign Mattia to come look as he did.

I smirked.

I whispered into the guys ear as we headed off somewhere by the time Mattia came down.


-mattia's pov:

Y/n wouldn't stop teasing me.

Why the fuck was she trying to get with some guy?

I went down to the floor as quick as I could till I couldn't find them.

I kept looking, till I looked up to where the mini balcony is and there she was dancing on the pole.

I ran back upstairs.


-y/n pov:

As I was dancing on the pole I knew this would tease Mattia and piss him off even more.

"Finally, a real whore!" The guy said in Spanish as I popped my eyes out.

Um what!

He pulled me in close as I tried pushing him off me as he was forcing himself on me.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to sit." He said as he was hurting me.

"Let go of me!" I tried yelling to see if anyone would help but the music was too loud.

Hell no. I don't wanna get raped.

As I pushed him off a little he pulled me hard and even closer.

"Come here!" He said in a mean tone.

He kept kissing my neck as I was trying so hard to get him off me as he finally let go of me when he saw Mattia.

"Get out!" Mattia said as he pulled out his two guns at the guy and his friend.

Lowkey.. he looked sexy as hell for the move Mattia just did.


We were back on the boat the next day.

I looked outside the window out of the room I was in.

"I told you a thousand times! Enough." I heard Kairi shouting at Mattia.

"Just do you duty! Are you aware who you have shot Mattia!? Do you know what you have done?" Kairi yelled at him.

I got up from where I was sitting and started heading towards Mattia and Kairi who were arguing.

"I couldn't just sit there and watch Kairi!" Mattia had said.

"This means war now Mattia! Between two powerful families!" Kairi said.

"The only thing you can do is get rid of y/n" Kairi said.

Okay but what the Fuck did I do!?

"Do that and ask for Ana forgiveness!" He said to Mattia.

Who the fuck is Ana?

"And get rid of this damn boat too!" He said as Mattia up from his chair and picked Kairi up with anger.

"Hey! Watch your fucking mouth!" Mattia said in anger.

I walked in on them as I had spoke.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Your sorry?" Mattia said sarcastically.

Maybe I shouldn't have talked to that guy to be honest..

"I'm sorry I didn't think-" Mattia had cut me off.

"Yeah, you didn't think." Mattia said.

"What's going on? Did you kill him?" I asked him.

"It's none of your business, if I did or not." He said.

"You killed him.." I said.

"I shot his hands. I wouldn't have to do it if you didn't dress like a whore and put on your little show!" He said.

Excuse me!

"So it's my fault that your friend tried to rape me?!" I asked him.

"Fuck off!" I said as I started to walk away.

I started walking all the way up to the end of the boat as Mattia followed me.

"Y/n!" He said as I tried walking faster.

"Fuck off! Leave me alone!" I said.

"Where are you going??" He asked.

He finally caught up to me as he grabbed my hand.

"Where are you going!" He asked.

"Don't touch me!" I said as we kept going back and forward saying the same thing over and over, as fell off the boat.

I tried getting back up from the water fast as I saw Mattia swimming my way.


He jumped for me.

He put me on to the edge of the boat as I started to cough up all the water I had swallowed.

I couldn't really breathe right.

"Y/n breathe!" Mattia said over as he flipped me over.

As I couldn't catch my breathe I blacked out.


I woke up into the middle of the bed as I tried to remember everything that had happened but I couldn't remember how I got to the bed.

I looked to see that I had no clothes on.

As I turned my head to the side and saw Mattia shirtless.

"I'm so grateful that your alive!" He said as he was smiling.

"But at the same time, I wanna kill you" he said.

Then to come to think of it I realized he saved me.

"You saved me." I said to him.

"Thank god. I was so close." He said.

"Why are you so disobedient?" He asked.

"I'm sorry" I said.

And I really was.

"You have to understand" he said as he sat next me on the bed as I was still laying down.

"I won't do it anymore" I said as it was true.

"I can't lose you, and I don't want to." He said.

"You have to rest" he said as he began to get up from the bed as I grabbed his arm.



938 words

I know you guys have been waiting for this next chapter for a while!!!

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