chapter 2 -the plan-

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<Erin POV>

'Oi, wake up ..'

"Uhm ... yeah ... why did you wake me up ...?"

'Said you want to report to Mama right? Come on '

"Uhm ... yeah ..."

Hm ... what time is it now ...


Ooh ... 3 o'clock ... luckily I didn't wake up late ....

I got down from my bed and immediately left the room.

Hm ... is Ray was awake now?

And before long, I saw Ray coming out of his room.

"Oh, are you awake?" he asked.

"If I don't wake up, I won't be here, idiot!"

"You rarely say a rude thing, didn't you?"

"It's up to me"


"Oh yeah, by the way," Ray opened the conversation first.

"Hm? What?"

"I already told Revan about 'that' "

I stared in surprise.

"What ?! You told him ?! Are you stupid or what ?!"

"He asked! You stupid idiot!"

"Tsk ..." I said.


"Do we need to tell Vio about this too?" I suggested.

"Hm ... I don't know ... but she's still 8 years who doesn't know anything exept happiness"

"But we have told Emma, ​​Norman, Alice and Revan. Vio is like us Ray, she is high quality. I think we should tell her as soon as possible."

"What if she will tell the others if we invite her ?? Vio is arguably naive to. You know" he said curtly.

"You don't think Emma would do the same thing?" I asked

"She understands the present situation. Surely she knows what to do"

"If it turns out she invites the others?"

Ray who heard it only smiled flatly. Indicates 'that impossible'.

"Huh ... it's up to you ... it's still morning. I don't want to argue this early in the morning .." I said weakly.

Finally we arrived at mama's room.

"Good morning Mama .." I said, opening the door slowly so as not to wake anyone.

"Good morning, Erin, Ray. Come on in ..." Mama said.

We also enter the room.

"So, what are you going to report today?"

Ray was the first to report. I didn't pay much attention, because I was very sleepy ...

"Alright, how about Erin?"

"Hm? me ?? I see everything is fine. There is nothing strange to me. Don't know for others." I said, staring at mama.

"Hm ... I see ... okay. I understand"

"Then ... excuse me," I said

"Wait a minute"

Okay, now what? Did mama know that we lied?

"When I went out, I found this," Mama said, pulling out a blue ribbon.

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