Chapter 1. The Night

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The pub was filled with loud music. Benjamin was standing at the bar, drinking fifth glass of alcohol. He doesn't know the name of it. He asked the bartender for something strong in the shelf. It's taste isn't registering either. Nothing mattered to him except the half naked hunk on the dance floor.

Leather pants hanging low made him confused. As to whether he should go to the sexy hunk and rip them off or drag him by them to a no man's land and fùck him.

His jealousy roared high when someone started to grind on him. He downed another drink trying to hang on to the last thread of control he has.

"Can I get a glass of that?" a deep voice rang close to his ear.

He doesn't have to wonder who that was. He can smell him from a mile away. Couldn't able stop himself anymore from moaning or do something worse at the close proximity of the handsome man, he tried to walk away. Of course, his efforts were a big failure.

The bare skin of the stranger touched him through the thin material of his shirt. Shivers traveled through his entire body when their hands touched.

He tried to clear throat in an attempt to excuse himself. But the moan he let out made him want to dig a hole and hide there forever.

He heard a chuckle and pressing of the body allowing more skin contact in appreciation.

He squirmed. He didn't know if he was trying to get away or get more friction. Whatever he did, he couldn't be more turned on as the stranger's crotch pressed into his behind.

"I can feel you resisting, love." 'Fùck that accent' Benjamin thought. From the moment he laid his eyes on him, everything about him made fall more and more. "I also saw you stripping me naked with those lustful eyes. Was I good in your fantasies?" he husked nibbling on his ear.

He swear he opened his mouth to protest. But, all his mouth produced was a gasp.

"Fuck, love. You're sexy." just like that he was thrown on a broad shoulder. Next thing he remembers was being thrown on a soft bed.

He watched as the stranger crawled with a predatory look on his face. Making him gulp.

The predator's eyes glowed in the moon light. A pair of eyes that made him remember of a clear sky.

"You're handsome." Benjamin breathed out shakily.

The hungry look turned into one of amusement and a smirk formed on those rough lips.

"Tell me something I don't know, love." that cockiness would have been a major turn off if it was anyone else. But on him, it was sexy as hell.

He can tell by the hard muscles and his rough movements, he is anything but a gentle lover. He wouldn't want it anyway either.

"I didn't know that you'd be this sexy." he followed the man's gaze that looked like he has been starving his entire life. And found that he was stark naked. He didn't know when his clothes were gone.

His small body being straddled looked like a scared prey. Vulnerable and hoping for mercy he knew he would never get.

Finally deciding to feast on his prey, the predator closed his lips around a nipple. Lightly nibbling and sucking it in. Watching the reactions of the helpless body lying under him.

Benjamin grabbed a handful of brown hair and pulled him even closer if it was possible. Sparks flew everywhere when their bare skins touched.

When that tongue swirled around his erect nipple, he moaned loud. His other hand was busy in feeling up the hard muscles.

The One Night Mate [ManxMan]Where stories live. Discover now