Chapter 2. Is she mine?

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A young man in late twenties was sitting in a meeting room filled with professionals wide range of age groups and races. Everyone is busy going through papers in front of him. His eyes lazily gazed over the room taking in all the information.

Just then his nose hit with a sweet scent. A scent that he knew all too well. A scent that he couldn't forget even if he wanted to. His eyes searched frantically for the owner. Door to that room opened. And in came the man that he  thought he would never meet.

"After this meeting, you have lunch with the CEO Mr. Brown." the man's P.A walked beside him.

"Please continue with the meeting." He took the seat far end of the table which indicated his position as a Chairman. It is quite odd to be a chairman at such young age as him. Mostly because he can be put down for his inexperience.

"Good Morning! I'm Lucas Burton." the Chairman instantly looked at the speaking person recognizing the voice and his eyes widened when they met his. "I'm the new marketing manager. I've studied the company's  history of-" 

Everything else blacked out for the chairman. A series of events passed in front of his eyes.

"Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown." a female voice penetrated his senses.

"Yes?" he looked at his slightly shocked PA.

"The meeting." she said warily as it was a first for him to not pay attention.

"I'll consider all of your requests for financing. A memo will be released on what team gets how much. And I expect the stated results-" he said standing up.

"Mama!" a little girl's voice rang through the room followed by her name "Lucy." from a woman.

The girl ran directly to the Chairman and hid herself behind his legs. The woman with the matching black dress as the little girl put a hand on her hips. "We won't come to get you for lunch if you are not in the car in five minutes."

"Mama!" the girl said in a low tone and gave her best puppy eyes looking up at the brown and brushed up haired man.

"You know I'm the one buys you anything you want, Lady. You better follow me if you want those shoes you wanted." the black dressed woman said.

"Please Mommy. I'll go from tomorrow. Please? No one goes to school on their first day." she pleaded with water in her eyes. 

"You have to go to school everyday, Angel." the man said picking her up.

"No Mama. Please. Only for today." her lower lip jutted out and she looked like she was about  to cry a river. It worked on the woman.

"Come on Benjamin. It's only a day. Give her to me." the little girl's mommy came to her rescue.

"Maia." she knew very well that her husband is strict about this stuff.

"She is not going and that's final." she finalized and took her daughter from her husband.

"Go and play. Be safe. Okay?" she said watching a big smile break on her bright pink lips. Which in return made her smile.

"Cancel our appointment Lily." she pointed to Benjamin and herself "I'll join the meeting." and faced her employees. "Let's continue ladies and gentlemen." and sat beside the Chairman.

The meeting went on for what seemed like hours. Chairman always picked out on the worst case scenarios while the CEO supported all the professionals. They didn't agree on one thing leading to tension. Everyone in the room felt it. And they want this meeting to end as soon as possible. Not wanting to do anything with the husband and wife.

When it was finally over, most of the employees couldn't exit the room faster.

Lucas was one of those employees. 'He was married.' That thought played in his head like a broken record. Playing again and again. 

A small body ran into him. When he looked down to see who it was, he found a little girl in black dress, black hair tied in a bun. HIS daughter. 

"Are you afraid of something?" he asked the hugging figure thinking she might be running away from something.

"No." she shook her head coming out of what she might have felt like a safe place. "I don't want to fall. Thank you." she patted his leg. Lucas felt a strange feeling while she did that.

Perfect eyebrows knitted together and she beckoned him to come closer. Lucas did as asked by kneeling in front of her. She pinched her cheek saying "Same pinch." and placed a palm in front of him as if asking something from him.

Lucas looked at the open palm and then at her for a few seconds not knowing what to do. She face palmed at his confused face. "You should give chocolate to me. We both have matching things. And because I said it first." 

It took him a few seconds to understand what she said. "What do we have in common?" asked.

"Eyes." she pointed a finger at his eyes "Your eyes look like mine."

Lucas then noticed her eyes, blue like the sky. They look familiar. Those blue pools are what he looks at whenever he see himself in the mirror. Fierce and confident. The only difference is that they possess an innocence that he lacked. 

He pulled the girl a little closer and scanned her face. "You're pretty." he complimented.

"Tell me something I don't know." she said crossing her hands in front of her chest. She didn't smile. Instead a corner of her lips lifted up.

Gears turned in his head. A gasp escaped his lips when he realized something. 'No way.' 

"How old are you pup?" he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Six." she said showing her six fingers.

'Six' A tear fell from his left eye unknowingly and onto her hand. Soon followed another.

"Why are you crying?" little hands tried to wipe his tears away. "It's okay if you don't want to give me chocolate. Please don't cry."

"No pup." he hugged her tightly "I'll give you whatever you want." he started to drown her face with little kisses.  Lucy giggled at his actions.

"LUCY!" she was pulled away from the embrace. "What did I tell you about talking to strangers?" it was Benjamin.

"I'm sorry Mama. But, he is a good guy."

"Whoever gives you a chocolate is good guy to you, Angel." he smiled at his daughter. "Your mommy is waiting for us. Shall we go?" he asked purposefully avoiding looking at certain someone.

"Yes mama." she nodded her head happily.

"Where does angel want to have her lunch today?" he asked walking hand in hand with her.

"Ummm..." and they walked away without turning back.

Benjamin was looking over some essentials. When there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." he said "Lily about the memo." he flipped few pages "I want it to be printed out as soon as possible and-" he looked up to give further instructions and stopped mid sentence.

There he is. The man who has been haunting his dreams for years. Whom he is not ready to face, just yet.

Few moments passed as they both looked at each other. A myriad of emotions passing through those two men. Finally composing himself, Benjamin asked "Is there something you want Mr. Burton?"

"Is she mine?"

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