Chapter 5. Did he just?

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Maia turned uncomfortably in Benjamin's lap. She felt restricted. And her sleep is being disturbed because of that. 

"Why do I still have my bra on?" she mumbled after getting to know the reason for her to feel restricted.

In his heavy sleep, Benjamin searched for the opening and unhooked it one swift moment.

"Hmm.." Maia went back to her sleep after getting rid of it.

"Babe. We're in office wake up." he shook his wife even though he's half asleep himself.

"Few more minutes." they both dozed off for few seconds. Before they got a call from Lucy's Nanny. 

Benjamin searched for his mobile in the table knocking some things off. Receiver to his P.A's line being one.

"Yeah. That's good." he mumbled some other things before hanging up.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed looking at the clock. "It's already office hours."

"What? Already?" his wife tried to get up but squeaked when she got her hair stuck in his shirt button.

"Don't move." Benjamin tried to help her.

"It hurts." she moaned in pain with hand on her head.

"I'm sorry baby. Let me try the other way." he switched his hands and did something which only hurt her more. "It's tight." he didn't know what he did but it seems he only tightened the knot. But, of course he is not going to say it out loud. He doesn't have a death wish.

"Be gentle." she said to his husband who is trying to untie it frantically.

"I'm trying baby. It's hard being the first thing in the morning." he blame it on his sleepiness.

Lily's face is red on the other side of the receiver having to hear the couple's conversation. The triumphant moans from the couple got Lucas' attention, who was just passing by. He knew what was happening in the room.

"Be gentle." it was a muffled female voice. And there were a series of moans and groans until there was a sigh in unison from both of them.

Benjamin walked to the bathroom in his room and brought a brush with paste on it. Maia took it and started brushing lazily. 

"Open your mouth." he said.

"Mmmh." she just ignored him

"Do it right baby. Go deep." he knew ordering her will only make her do the opposite. He ran his fingers on her jaw gently. He has to make two brats brush their teeth right every morning. He is happy that he doesn't have to deal with one of them today.

"How could you swallow it?" he gave a disgusting expression when she swallowed the foam instead of spitting it out.

He get to know that was a wrong choice, when she crashed her lips with his. Tongue all in. Letting him taste the toothpaste.

"ughmm" he protested. Tried his best to avoid tasting with no use. He tried to push her away. She was quick and squeezed his crotch. He has no choice but to give in to her assault on his morning wood.

Maia broke the noisy kiss and asked. "How's it?"

"Fùck." he looked down at his restricting pants. "I'll just-" he waved his towards bathroom.

"Go on. I'll clean this mess." she said about the table she was sitting on. Which was a major mess.

Lily just noticed the man standing behind her and listening to the call as well. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. With flushed face.

"I- I-" she put the receiver back in haste.

Lucas just shrugged as if he doesn't care that she heard them. Inside, he's boiling. Fortunately, he schooled his expressions so she wouldn't suspect anything.

Just then a scream came from the room. Making Lily blush harder and stumble a bit.

"I stubbed my toe." Maia exclaimed when Benjamin walked towards her, who was feeling good after completing his business. "I told you not to use this sharp edged table. Yet you did." she cursed him some more.

"Sorry." he truly felt sorry looking at his wife suffering.

She got up and limped to the door. Still cursing under her breathe.

"Is it that much hurting?"

"No. I just thought it would be fancy to limp." she said in annoyance.

"Let me." she stopped her from opening the door. And lifter her up.

"Benjamin! What are you doing?" she squealed. "We're in the office."

"As if no one knows we're married." he walked outside with her in his arms in bridal style.

"Still." she hid her face in his chest making him chuckle.

"Put me down you as$hole." her voice was muffled.

"Do you prefer being hurt than being carried away like a princess?" They both didn't notice the two people standing outside.

Placing her on the back seat of her car. Benjamin said "Take care. I'll call the doc."

"No need. I can manage."


"Really babe. No." she said kissing his lips.

"Call me after dropping her at home. And don't take her anywhere else even if she threatens to fire you." Benjamin gave instructions to the driver.

"Yes Sir." the driver laughed.

Benjamin was talking to Lily when Lucas entered the room with a knock and didn't even wait for the response.

"What do you want Mr. Burton?" he asked a little annoyance seeping through.

"I'm here to report about-"

Benjamin cut the sentence by saying. "If you don't know, I don't deal with operations Mr. Brown. You have to report to CEO." he turned towards his PA "Lily, take him through basic rules." and waved him off continuing with his conversation.

"Then I'll explain EVERYTHING to CEO. " Lucas stressed the word everything and turned back making Benjamin alert.

"Wait." he called him. "She won't be available today. You can talk to ME if it's something urgent." and dismissed Lily.

"Did you just blackmail me?" he stood up from his chair.

"Did I?" Lucas pushed him to the nearest wall aggressively.

'I'm the one who is supposed to be mad.' Benjamin thought at Lucas' aggressive actions.

"You stink." Lucas told from the crook of his neck.

"Then stop smelling me." Benjamin stated the obvious. Yes, it had been a day since he took a shower.

"I want to claw this smell off your body." Lucas said looking directly into his eyes. His breath fanned over his mate's lips. He can see the slight tremble of them. Which made his anger melt a little.

Benjamin should be mad at that. But, his stupid heart is beating fast for some reason. He is sure as hell that it's not from fear. He pushed Lucas away or at least he tried to. Which is a big mistake as he was lifted up from the floor by his neck. Only his toes are touching the floor.

"Lu- Luc" he couldn't get the words out. He's choking him to death. 

"8 PM. 11th street Diner." and walked away leaving him to breathe.

'Did he just?' 

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