Chapter 6. Only if I knew!

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Benjamin got out of the car and looked at the extensive restaurant. He cursed himself for taking a u-turn and reaching this place. It's not like he wanted to come. He wanted to know, what Lucas' plans are. Yes. That's it. He doesn't trust him. That's the reason.

As soon as he walked through the classy doors. An assistant came and greeted him.

"Good evening Mr. Brown." Unfortunately, he is a regular here. "Um.." she scanned the notepad in her hand "I couldn't find your reservation. There must be a mistake, I'll get right back to you."

She was about to walk away when he stopped her. "Don't bother. I just wanted to meet a friend." he looked around, searching for the person he came for.

"Aww. I thought I could meet Lucy again." she let out a disappointed sigh.
Benjamin laughed, remembering what happened when they were here last time. "She would love to create chaos again. She'll be back when it hits her."

"Thank god! I'd love to meet her again." the staff loved her. She isn't someone who creates a mess and breaks things. She brings positive vibes with her chaos. "I'll be off for now." He said and walked away from the assistant.

After a few minutes of search, he found Lucas sitting at a couple's table with neatly decorated. Everyone looking at it can easily tell that the man was waiting for his date to arrive.

His scent must have hit Luca's nose, as he eagerly turned his side. Just then, a waiter arrived at his table. "Mr. Burton, your order is ready. Should I bring it now or are you waiting for someone?" The waiter obviously, knew what was happening, but he was just doing his job.

"Benj-" he stood up without giving much attention to the waiter. Excited to meet his date for the night.

"Mr. Burton" Benjamin said a little stiffly cutting him off. "What a surprise to meet you here. It seems that you're waiting for someone." He nodded to the waiter, acknowledging him. "I'll leave you to it then." Said through gritted teeth and walked away.

Benjamin opened his car door to get into. Just then a hand came into his eyesight and stopped him from entering. It felt like déjà vu.

"What?" he spat angrily.

"Why are you angry? You came here for me. Right?" Lucas doesn't know what is happening.

Benjamin saw few onlookers looking at them strangely. He instantly smiled as if nothing is wrong.

"Everyone is looking. Stop this nonsense." he said through fake smile.
He managed to get out of his hold and into car. But, Lucas was swift to occupy the passenger seat.

"What the -" Benjamin turned towards him.

"If you don't want to grab attention, you better drive." Lucas said looking straight.

He doesn't have much of an option except doing just that.

Lucas started talking when he's sure it's safe. "Why are you running away? You came for me. Right?"

"I was just passing by." he turned towards Lucas "And what the hell? Everyone there knows me. Do you want to expose me? Is that your plan?"

Lucas then realized. "Oh!" he said in a low tone. "Let's go to my place." he suggested.

"As if I would ever." Benjamin countered.

"Are you afraid?" a smirk formed on his face, challenging him.

"Do you think I'd fall for it?" Benjamin shook his head and continued with driving.

"Good for you. But, I'm not getting off this car. Take me whereever you want." and got comfortable in the passenger seat.

"You're not."

"Try me."

Of course Benjamin knew about his stubbornness. Dealing with Lucy is an everyday reminder. Sighing he asked "Address."

"Umm... Are you sure?" Benjamin asked looking at the things on table not knowing what to do. 

"One hundred percent." Lucas said with a proud look.

"Lemme put 911 on speed dial first." He was about to bring out his cellphone from his pocket. After reaching home, Lucas brought out the food and heated or did whatever he didn't care  of wile he was on a call with someone.

"No need for that. I cook and eat it myself on a regular basis. Look at me, still sexy and healthy." Lucas pointed to his awesomeself.

Benjamin will agree with the first statement but he would've asked for his medical certificates if he didn't know he was a werewolf and werewolves generally have higher immunity.

"They don't look appealing." voiced out his thoughts.

"Don't judge anything by looks." That! He will agree.

Lucas waited for Benjamin's as he took the first bite.

"Not bad." he complimented.

"See? I told you."

"Yeah yeah." Benjamin started to dig in. He wasn't able to have a proper meal that afternoon and has been hungry for some time. 

Lucas watched every movement of his. Taking it all in. The way he took a bite and he would drink often in between bites. He didn't think he would feel this happy when he saw him again. He heard his own heart beating faster. Loud and clear. The fear of him running away again is the only thing keeping him at bay. Stopping him from demanding answers and something more. He gulped when his brain hung up on something more. 

It's been six years since he last saw him. Six years since he had a proper outlet of his raging hormones. The night they had was hot and magical. But, he could only go so long replaying that night till it left him wanting the real person and leaving him frustrated.

He was satisfied for few months with the little interaction he had with his mate. He thought Benjamin was a human as he smelt like a human. And he knew that staying away from humans is the best thing for werewolves in this world. Not to mention, being an Alpha will have to meet certain requirements from him and his mate as well. And Benjamin didn't meet a single one of them.

'Only if I knew!'

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