Chapter 7. Or did he?

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"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" 

"Like you want to-" Benjamin stopped midsentence with a hint of redness to his cheeks.

"Like I want to?" Lucas pushed further. The blush of his mate amused him. "Tell me, mate."

He took the man by collar over the table and crashed his lips in a punishing pressure. Being addressed as mate did certain things to him, that he couldn't get a hold over himself. He is quiet surprised at why he hadn't made move till now. The tension was so strong that he knew  it's only a matter of fact before the inevitable happened.

"Like you want to fuck me." Benjamin panted coming up for air. He was turned  on by his work. The abused lips.

Lucas stalked to the other side of table slowly. Teasing his desperate mate. "Do you want me to?" his breath fanned over the wet lips.

"Do you think I will let you?" for just a moment his eyes got distracted from the lips he has been admiring and clashed with blues before going back.

He questioned back as his hands surrounded the prey and palmed his ass gently but needy-ly "Will you?"

"Don't answer my questions with questions." he grabbed the man's bulge roughly. To show him who is in-charge. 

A long and satisfying sigh left him. Oh! How he much loved when his mate becomes bratty. His hands palming the ass in answer and finally slipping into the pants, touching bare skin.

'How dare he?' he's not letting him get his way. So he did what any 'sane' person would do in this situation. Opened the fly and slipped his hand inside grabbing it painfully hard.

"Fùck, Love" a murmur.

Benjamin couldn't take it anymore. He pushed the man away from him harshly and said the next words. Reverberated through the empty house "STRIP." and he got busy in stripping his own clothes.

None of them had the patience to put a show not even getting fully naked. They both pulled down their pants, to get into business and was back on each other. Groping and kissing.

He felt the absence of Lucas. Before he could look back, he was there continuing what they stopped.

"Why are you using your inhumane strength?" that was a whisper.

"In a hurry. No-one's gonna catch us." he reasoned his behavior. "Lube is in bedroom." which is far away in his opinion "We'll have to make do with this." he produced a bottle of oil that he just brought.

"I don't care." Benjamin is not so in the mood to care about what they're using.

Lucas poured it on the tiny hole, rubbing it with his fingers. Who was now bending over the table. "How did I fit?" he couldn't help but voice out his question. He was genuinely confused.
"May be, we should take this slow." He's having second thoughts now. He tried to push his finger in but it didn't go in.

"Do you think I have enough patience?" he snapped.

"I don't want to hurt you." Lucas said even though he has a painfully hard erection.

It would've been made him feel good for the care. Has he not been embarrassed about his body state. His body went through a painful ordeal that it is now refusing to go through it again. He's not going to show weakness. Not now. Not to HIM.

With one thing in mind, he reached back to guide the shaft, brought another hand to Lucas' neck to distract him with a kiss if he protested. Finally slammed himself on it with a guttural groan.

"Fùck" Lucas threw his head back feeling himself getting strangled in the most exquisite way. "Why did you- " but stopped when felt the change in Benjamin. In an instant he went from the feeling utmost pain to feeling normal. "What was that?"

"What do you think?" he said in the same bratty way.

But Lucas knew. He brought his wolf to the surface to heal himself instantly and deal with the pain. It's not unusual but not something that can be done without turning fully.

"Move" his voice felt smooth and gentle. Unlike his previous. Even his moves are gentle.

Obliging to the man's pleas, Lucas started moving. With slow and precise movements. He's surprised to know that he knew every angle and every spot of that body after all these years.

He forgot everything and went on like that for few moments listening to his mate and himself.

Everything took another turn when Benjamin stood with a back arch and started grinding harshly. "Is that what you've got?" there it was. The rough voice with bratty attitude. "Don't disappoint me, Luca. Fùck me harder."

Who was he to say no to his mate? So, that's what he did. Grabbing the slender waist, he thrusted forward. Deeper and harder.

"Yes. Yes." the man getting pounded hyped up for more. It felt exquisite the delicious friction inside him mingled with rough pokes on his spot is something he knew he missed.

It felt like nothing of those dreams he got off to, for Lucas. He couldn't understand how he got though with out being inside the actual thing.

So he made the most of it. He enjoyed every thrust back from Benjamin. Every touch, every curve, every moan and every gasp from him. For some time it's just skin on skin slapping sounds with occasional gasps and moans.

Benjamin couldn't stop the oncoming orgasm even if he knew it was coming. He doesn't know whether it happened fast or whether he forgot how it actually feels. Either way he was screaming his pleasure to heavens while trembling like a dry leaf.

Lucas held him tight making the ride more pleasurable with his continuous thrusts. He is almost there. Hanging by a thin thread. The only thing that's making him hang on to that thread is his mate. He wants to give his all. The utmost pleasure he could give. Not just with his body but every way possible.

When the tremors slowed down, he surrounded Benjamin with a tender hand. Keeping his body up. Even though he slowed down from his previous frenzied thrusts, he knew he couldn't hang on anymore. "Love, I'm- I'm gonna-"

The next thing he knew, he was being pushed away. One second his mate was in his arms and the next, he was on his knees with a hand around his thick red shaft. His urge to grab the pleasure took over his disappointment as the hand moved fast.

He came dripping all over the beautiful face that he never wanted to kiss as badly as now. His disappointment came crashing down when he calmed down at the distance look on Benjamin's face. He didn't look like he noticed the state he was in. Face dripping wet. He's staring at the tip without even blinking.

Guiding Benjamin, by his waist to make him stand, Lucas wiped over his eyes. Only then the staring eyes looked into his.

"Love" it was merely a whisper but filled with too many emotions. It reflected in Benjamin's eyes as well. He was seeing the vulnerability for the first time after they met again. The bold and confident persona he had been holding onto collapsed fully.

"Love" he whispered again. Which got Benjamin nuzzling into the hand that has been gently brushing his cheek.

"What's wrong?" and that's how he broke the spell he has unknowingly casted. He watched his mate go from being vulnerable to building up his walls in seconds.

Benjamin turned around hiding from the man he couldn't. At least he can try.

"Eww" he said going for a tissue to wipe his face. "Didn't you have anywhere else to- never mind " he trailed off with a hint of blush.

When he took a U-turn to satisfy his curiosity this is not what he expected.

Or did he?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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