Chapter 4. Silly woman.

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'Shit. How the hell did I forget that he was under my table?'

"So you're going to have a child soon?" Lucas asked anger evident in his face.

"How much did you hear?" he hopes he doesn't hear what he shouldn't.

"Every fuking thing."

What exactly did they talk? Benjamin couldn't remember at the moment. Eyes were on Lucas but quite not seeing him.

Lucas took few steps, closer to Benjamin. And clutched the hard flesh that has been hanging out.

"Fùck!" Benjamin's eyes closed automatically. At the touch he has been longing for.

"Love." at that endearment, a shiver ran through his spine. Provoking dormant feelings.

He knew he shouldn't want him like he does. He knew it's wrong in more than one way.

"Lucaa" he gasped lowly. Trying to protest.

"Don't resist love." Lucas latched on to his neck, whispering softly and seducing him in a sensual way. "We both know how it went last time."

His hand moved smoothly. His thumb captured the pre-cum and spread it along the mushroom head.

"Uhh" Benjamin can only hold onto his mate's broad shoulders. Remembering how good it felt to dig his nails into that rough skin.

With his free hand, Lucas held onto his waist. Encouraging him to do what his body wanted.

"Luca" Benjamin looked up into his eyes. Lucas can see a barrier that hasn't been there before. There was something in those eyes that he couldn't decipher.

Lucas' eyes roamed over his face to study. He got a matured look unlike his previous young and uncared self. He looked like a man now. Of course he is.

In addition to all these, he was more resisting than before. He melted with just his looks back then. Now, his hands are trying to stop him from going any further.

"What happened to you?" he couldn't help but ask. As he increased his pace.

"St- stop please."

Being the stubborn he is, increased the pace even more and lapped up on his neck. Keeping his brain from thinking any further with all the stimulation.

"Lucaa" The thin thread of resistance make him see red. Fingers tightened around the flesh. The pleasurable touch turning into a painful one.

A small and pain filled gasp left Benjamin's lips.

"How can you?" Lucas didn't try to hide his anger. "How can you move on like nothing happened?" with one tight and not so pleasurable squeeze, he backed off. Taking two steps back.

"How can you marry someone, knowing you have a mate?" the hand that has been previously pleasuring, combed hair, having nothing to do.

"Have you ever thought of me?"

Lucas started to unbutton his shirt not caring if the buttons are ripped. "How can you leave your mark on me when you want nothing to do with me?" He turned his back to Benjamin and slid the shirt down.

Benjamin's eyes widened at what he found. There are scratches starting from his shoulders to mid of his back. Those are not the ones that he got from a fight. Nor did Lucas inflicted them upon himself. He made them. That night. When they both were about to reach their ultimate pleasure.

"There is not a day that goes by without thinking about you." Lucas spoke over his shoulder. Looking at Benjamin side eyed. "And here you are. Having the fun of your life."

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