But I did, he would and it happened.

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Adrian was always like a brother to me, protecting me, encouraging me, helping me to rebiuld myself. There really was never a risk of me falling for him and I wouldn't say he fell for me. Not really. What he did couldn't have had romantic feelings behind it. 

On the third quarter break he called to say his mum was out of town and that I should come over, that we could have an Avenger marathon. My mum was skeptical, but she allowed me to stay at his house for the night, as I had so many times before. I got there early in the morning so that if work called I was already in the middle of a very important day and I couldn't re-schedule, he was barely out of bed when I arrived but he was very very awake. The moment he opened the door is imprinted on my memory, if only I hadn't gone in.

At some point during Iron Man he started kissing me. I was going to pull away straight away but he was my only friend and he might've hated me if I did, besides how could I do any better then him. I really didn't want to be kissing him, it was my first kiss and he was taking it all for him. I started to squirm, I really didn't want to be doing this. He started moving his hands all over my body, I really didn't want to be doing this.I started to try and push him off or pull away, I really didn't want to be doing this. I bit his tongue when he wouldn't stop kissnig me, I really didn't want to be doing this. He slapped me, he did want to be doing this.

He taped my mouth in the end so I couldn't scream, he was more focused on what he wanted. He held me down as I struggled and cried and tried and tried to get away from him.

I couldn't be doing this, he wouldn't do this to me, this isn't happening. I couldn't be doing this, he wouldn't do this to me, this isn't happening. I couldn't be doing this, he wouldnt do this to me, this isn't happening. I couldn't be doing this, he wouldn't do this to me, this isn't happening. I couldn't be doing this, he wouldn't do this to me, this isn't happening. I couldn't be doing this, he wouldn't do this to me, this isn't happening.

But I did, he would and it happened. Another two weeks of non-stop crying, a police investigation, trial and conviction and a suicide attempt later and I am in counselling and we are in the present. I am no where near a normal 15 year old girl.

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