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"Do you, Jace Kingsley, Take Alexandria Frost, To be your lawfully wedded Wife?" Jace looks into my eyes, with sincerity and love, before saying,"I do. Forever and always will."

I wake up with a heated face, and pain in the lower part of my body due to waking up too fast. I press the button, behind the hospital bed, calling one of the nurses. While waiting, I recall the moments of yesterday. And my thoughts wonder off. Thank you, Jace. I wonder what happened to that devil monster.. What the actual hell, Alex! Fuck him!

The nurse walks in with a smile on her face, which I send back her warm smile back. "Good morning, Mrs Kingsley. What is it that you need?", she says chirply. "Morning! Oh, And Mrs Kingsley?", I say with a confused face. Did Jace and I really get married?? She laughs slightly and says,"Yes, that's what Mr Kingsley signed you as. And let me do the regular check-up.",she smiles.

"Any pain or sudden headaches?",she askes. "Only Pain, with my leg.", I reply with a sad smile. "Okay! So you'll receive Two tablets, for the pain and one will make you sleepy, so rest for a while.", she says. I nod. While she removes the IV tube, connected to my arm. "You'll be discharged later, It's still early. You woke up quite early, Mrs Alex. ", she states.

"What time is it, ....", I look at her uniform for her name badge, Ms Natalie Linnor "Ms Linnor?"

"Oh, It's Almost 7:00am. You'll be discharged at 13:00pm or earlier if you feel any better.",she replies with a bright smile. "Thanks!", I say.

She leaves the room, after making sure I took the Capsule Tablets. And almost immediately, I feel drowsy, so I close my eyes, feeling relieved. Thank you, jace..I'm so grateful for you... I think , before falling off to sleep with a smile on my face.

'What is happiness?

Happiness is a feeling that comes over you when you know life has been good and you can't help but smile. I always wished, to be happy. And look now, Life gifted me happiness and love in one. I feel lucky, to have Cassie, Jace and Lucas. You know, everyone should have atleast one friend.'

I feel a hand, in my hair, so I flutter my eyes because it's sunny as hell and the curtains are open. My eyes open fully and I see Jace sitting on a chair, next to my bed. I pout and ask,"Where were you.."

He replies with a smirk and says, "Why? Missed me already, princess?" I glare at him and giggle. "Maybe! What time is it, jacey?", I say and he looks at me, grinning with his white pearls, and I take my time checking him out, with his tight-fitted,long sleeve formal shirt and black jeans, showing off his biceps.

Gosh, someone call the fire brigade cause he's on fire! I mentally fan myself and blush. I see him frown so I get back to my senses and a worried look on my

"Almost 11:00am, How are you feeling now?", he askes with a sad smile.

"Much better, And can we please leave?", I give him puppy eyes and plead. "As long as if you're fine, but We'll have to get clearance from the doc. Okay, princess?", he says happily and I nod, agreeing.

He walks towards the door, and walks out for a minute and comes back with a person with a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck. Well obviously a doctor.

"Hey there, Mrs Kingsley. So any headaches, body pains in any specific places, breathing problems?", he askes politely. "Nothing of that sort, just pains in my leg area, where I got...urhm, stabbed.", I reply. He nods and says, "Okay, that's normal. I'll prescribe you with some pain killers and I advise that you be on house rest for the next 2 weeks." and Jace nods.

He checks his Paperwork saying,"Oh, and no physical activities..", he thinks again before saying,"Of any sort. Nothing to pressure the wound to open up."

The doctor gives Jace paperwork to sign and says," You can leave now." He nods at Jace and gives me a smile, "Thank you, doc.", Jace says and the doctor walks out.

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