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Finishing up my daily gym routine, sweat dripping off my body, My mind has been on that amber-eyed angel. A few hours ago, I did not even know her name. Now I can't get it out of my head. The urge to touch her silky hair, and her curvy body, and to kiss her plumpy,pinkish lips...Fuck! I sound like a perv. But one thing's for sure, Alexandria Frost. You Belong to me now.

Stepping out from my cold shower, going to my closet. I hear my phone ring, so fetch my phone and See the Caller, Mason, "Good Morning, Mr Kingsley. I thought you should you know, I've followed Miss Alex Frost to her house and that house belongs to Jeffrey Frost.", I feel my body tense and I get a bit aggitated. "The guy, that was responsible for Luc's Sisters death?",I ask. "Yes,Sir.", he replies back.

Jeffrey Frost, sexually abused Lucas' sister and man-slaughtered her. We didn't even have time to look for her, and We lost track of Jeffrey by then, If Lucas found out about this, He would go on a murder spree on Jeffrey's loved ones.

Does Alex know what her father did....

"Mason, Follow Miss Frost, Please. And call me as soon as you see her, and hand her the phone."


Luckily for me, I found a wrapping booth in the corner of the store, walking towards them, I take out the gift, carefully. It would look beautiful on her..

"Hiii, I'd like to wrap this, please.", I say with a small smile, handing her the tiny box , which the old, sweet woman accepts and says,"Hi, dear. That will be 2$." She takes a couple few minutes to wrap it, and I watch with interest, learning how to do it, for next time.

I take it from her and hand her the cash with a big, bright smile on my face, And walk out the store, looking down and happy with how it looks, and at the blink of an eye, I look up and see that guy, From the school parking lot, The guy that Mr Kingsley supposedly sent.

My heart beats at an inhumane pace and I realized that I was staring at him, I start to tear up.

What if it's a bad guy...I think. He walks towards me, and I find myself not able to move my legs. Funny, I thought I had control over my body..Idiot.

He reaches a decent distance, nods at me and hands me his phone,"Talk.", he says with a strict voice.

Me: "hey..yy.. Who is", I stutter over the phone, Feeling intimidated by the guy in front of me.

Unknown: "Hi, princess. I thought you would have known by now. Anyways, i'm Jace, Jace Kingsley. Remember me?"

I take a deep breath in. Remembering that day, I got embarassed and blushed, for the first time ever.

Me: "Yes, Urhmm..What do you want, Mr Kings...", I say before he cut me off.

Jace: "It's Jace, to you, Princess." He says, making my face heat up.

I look up to see a very amused Man looking at me.

Me: "Ok..ay. Jace. Who is this, guy in front of me..?"

Jace: "That's Mason, my friend.. About that. Hey, princess. Wanna be friends?.", Atleast I know now..waitttttt whaaat!!? Friends with a guy! Father will murder me. But, what kills you, only makes you stronger, I'd risk it! Being friends with a guyyy. Hell yeah.

Me: " Okay, Jace. But only if I get to meet you, tomorrow, At my friend, Cassie's birthday party?",Slighty praying he says yes. Goshhh! Where did I get this confidence from? I think to myself.

Jace:"Sure, Princess. I've got to go now, but leave your number with Mason, would you?", he says, making me blush, for the third time.

Me: " Okay,Jace! Will do, Friend! Byee!",I say cheerily. Arghh, friends...

Jace: "Bye,Alex.", he says, ending the call.

I hand the phone over, remembering to save my number as a contact. "Thanks, Mason.", i say. He walks away, after nodding at me. weird...

Checking the time, seeing it's 15:27pm, great, another 10 minutes till she comes. I hear my phone make,*dingggg*, I check what it is, and it's a message from an unknown person, I open it, and my mood heightens happily,

[Recieved from Unknown: @15:29

-Hey, It's Jace.]

[Sent to Unknown: @15:29

- Heyy, stranger. ;) ]

I change his contact name as 'Jaceyy', cause I think it's cute.

He is your friend, Alex. Not your boyfriend..... I frown.

I see Cassie , coming towards me with her car keys, in her hand, I see her beautiful smile as she sits down, "Finally! Can we order?", She sighs. I smile and tell her what just happened when she was gone.

(A/N: So, how was that? Let me know in the comment section. Vote and share! Thank youuu. sincerely, Mishhhka.

PS, Next chapters in a while.)

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