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Seeing Alex happy, makes me the happiest person ever. She trusts me, I feel it. It's time. I'm going to do it. And hopefully, it all goes well. Fuck, I fell hard.


We arrive at the top of a hill, Jace parks the car, a few metres away from the front of the hill ledge.

The sun is in sight, and with the pinkish and orange sky, makes me feel all giddy. "It's beautiful, Jace.", I say. "That's for sure..", he says and I look at him, he looks at me, "You're beautiful.",he says while holding my hand, bringing it to his lips. I grin, "You too, Jace!!", I say.

He gives me a defeated look and laughs loudly. Woah, that was cute...Arghhh

He looks at me, grabs a blanket, gets out of the car and lays the blanket in front of the car, leaving me baffled. well, he sure was prepared for this..

Jace walks towards the car, opening my side of the door, picking me up bridal style, placing me gently on the fluffy blanket. I feel the humidity of the warm air entering my lungs, in and out. I look behind me, seeing Jace grabbing his phone, sitting next to me, on the blanket.

We take cute pictures of each other and some together.

I look at the sun, finally setting, Feeling Jace's hands play with my hands.

"Alex..",he says, "Jace..", I reply with a smile, looking at him. He has a serious facial expression on his face. I question him, with my eye brows and tell him to continue.

"So I know, we've known each other for about a month.. But Within those days, I've developed really strong feelings towards you and....", he says but I cut him off.

"Jace..", i say and he cuts me off by putting a finger on my lips, stopping me.

"No, Alex. Let me finish. And, I love you, princess. I will protect you from all danger, princess. I feel as if you're attracting me more towards you, everyday. I know you've been through a lot, babygirl. But I will take care off you, I won't ever judge you, and you can talk to me about anything. You may think you're damaged and scarred, But You're perfect to me. To me, you're my everything, Alex. YOU ARE MINE!", he says with tears brimming in his eyes slightly as he wipes them away.

I look at him, my mouth opened a bit, I feel tears going down my face. He pulls me into his Lap, gently and I look at him, while my face heats up.

He whispers in my eyes, with a rasp voice, "Alexandria Frost, will you be my girlfriend?" And kisses my neck, tickling me slightly. I giggle with tears in my eyes. If that's possible.

I turn to him, with my closed eyes. Bite my bottom lip for a second. Do it. And I kiss him with my eyes still closed. "I take that as a yes then", he states. I nod quickly.

"I love you, forever and always. You're mine.", he says. My eyes widen. Didn't he say that in my dream???

"I love you more, Jace. I'm yours.", I say, before kissing his soft, reddish lips.

And that very evening, I became his damaged love.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you, everyone! It has been a good reading journey.)

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