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I can feel, Alex break, missing her mom, I try to cheer her up, and I promised myself to find someone that'll accept her, for her. She deserves the world, she needs to know that.

Driving Alex and I home, It's 14:53pm, so we decided to drive home, to get ready for the party at 8pm. Remembering to call dad later, and ask him how the venue is coming up, and if the food menue is okay.

"Hey,Alex. Can you go call mom for me? I've got to call dad, really quick.",Lying to her, calling someone else. "Yeah, sure.", she says, walking away. I take out my phone, Calling the number.


Me :"Hey, Luc. Is Jace there, Can i speak to him?", i say with a smile on my face.

Lucas :"Hey, beautiful birthday girl. Yeah. Give me a sec. 'Jaceeee, Cass wants to talk'

Jace : Hey,Cassie. What's up?

Me : "Hey. So, I need you to promise me something", I say clearly.

Jace :"What is it? Alex okay?", he says making me smile. She deserves him.

Me :"No! She's okay. Just, when you come over. You better treat her like a queen and take her for who she is, if you don't, I. will. smash. your. di...." He cuts me off.

Jace: "I know, I know. I like her, okay? And Yeah, see you later, birthday girl."

Me: "Whatever, douche. Don't tell her I knew you two before, I'll tell her when she's in a mood for bullshit. Tell Lucas, I said goodbye. I'll see you two later."

Cutting the call, walking inside the house, with a grin on my face.


I hear the front door open, and see Cass walk in, smiling. "Your mom is upstairs, cass. Anyways, What's up, with the devil smile.", I say. "I love you, Ally. So shut your mouth and let destiny play with your life, for once.", she says. "What the heck are you talking about!?", I laugh and look at her with a humourous face.

She gives me ana evil smile, and walks upstairs, and leaves me to go on my phone. I go on social media, Instagram, and search for 'Jace Kingsley', and as soon as I search for it, Pictures of Jace, shoot up, with his amazing shirtless pictures, scrolling down, through his account, Just seeing pictures of him and some friends, living life luxuriosly.

I hear Aunt Carrie, calling me upstairs, telling me to take a shower, before the stylists come. Guess that's the advantages of being upper-class. Heyyy, I'm not complaining.

I walk upstairs, going into Cassie's room, hearing aunt Carrie ask Cass if she called her dad, and funny thing, she said no. I thought she called her dad, when we came home..

"Ally! Do you want to shower first? or should I go?",She asked happily. I say, "Nooo! Birthday girl. You go first. I'll Wait.",smiling. She looks at me and gives me a grateful smile, walking into her bathroom.


She walks out, with a towel around herself and her head, saying,"Your turn, bestie." I show her my tongue and walk into the bathroom.

Locking the door, slipping out my clothes, I look at myself in the mirror, seeing bruises and marks on my ribs and arms. Thank god, my dress covers those spots..

I go into the shower, washing my hair and body, smelling like apples, I shut the shower off and walk out, drying my body with a towel, walking out the bathroom, with a robe, covering me, from above my knees.

I see cassie, sitting on a chair, with a hair stylist, drying her hair, so she can put on her dress. When She was done drying Cassie's hair, She told me to sit down, politely. Meanwhile, Cass went to put on her dress.

When the stylist, was done drying my hair. She told me to go put on my Dress, and then, Cassie walked out.

Believe me when I say, she was a work of art. She looked so fucking beautiful. "Oh My Soul, Cassie! Wow. You look like an angel sent from heaven, Just wait, all the guys will stop and stare.",I say with adoration in my eyes.

"Awhh, Al. Thank you, boo. Don't make me emotional. Just go put on your dress on and we'll see who looks better",she says with glossy eyes. "Don't cry, Cass. You're so beautiful. I'll be back.",I say, walking into the closet.

I take a small breath in, Looking at the dress. I say a small prayer, before putting it on.

I look into the mirror. Woah.Did I always have this?. and I step out, looking down.

I hear a gasp in the room, I look up, and see Cassie, with a proud look on her face. "God-damn, bestie! You look gorgeous and damn sexy. ALEXANDRIA! You are so hottt.", she screams.

And Aunt Carrie walks in, dressed up elegantly but also beautiful, "What's all this screaming about, Ca....Oh my word, Alex. You're so beautiful, your mom would have been proud of you.", she says, giving me a small hug and kissing my forehead gently.

Cassie is finally done with her hair and make-up and she looks like a drop-dead gorgeous model.

I then, finish up my hair and make-up, cause according to Cass, I had to put some on. We were finally done, and a tonn of compliments were thrown to me, by everyone, and it was 19:47pm. We took thaaat longgg!

We both walked downstairs, seeing aunt Carrie help Cassie's dad with his tie. We then took some 'family' pictures and I was more than happy to be included.

I then heard the engine of numerous cars, stop outside the house, and I was curious, but Cassie looks at me with a smirk and winks at me, She's up to something, I knew it! I just looked at her, nervous, and slighty shaking, I glare at her, she walks towards me, calming me down.

There was a knock on the door and Mr Williams, opens it...

(A/N: Cliffhanger! Next Chapters up, tomorrow! Thanks for reading!!!)

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