Chapter 3

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Here is the next chapter! :)



Ben came home for work and immediately went to his room to get the journal. He loved reliving his and Olivia's lives through her eyes. He took the book to the kitchen and put a pot of water on the stove to boil. He was going to make pasta, Olivia's favorite.

Ben got the sauce out of the fridge and started to heat it while the noodles cooked. He placed the book on the counter and stirred the sauce as he read.

Wednesday, May 15

Dear Journal,

My thoughts have been clouded with guess who! Ben. It's been driving me crazy! I'm not too bothered that he has a girlfriend, but there is this strange something that keeps me wanting to find out more about him.

It won't go away. It scares the heck out of me. He embarrasses me and teases me. It's all good natured, but he still does and I don't know what to think of it! I've always been shy and this isn't helping it!

My mom was supposed to pick me up from school today. I was studying in the library after school and Amy had some errands to run so she couldn't stay with me like she normally does. I think I sat outside for almost thirty minutes before a ride presented itself to me.

"You must love this place to still be here!" that voice said from behind me. I whirled around and blushed. Just play along, Olivia! I told myself.

"Definitely, this is the best place in the whole world!" I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

That was different and he noticed. I could tell by the way he smiled. I tried my best to keep a straight face. It didn't work! I burst into a fit of giggles and he chuckled along with me. When our laughter subsided, we looked at each other.

"That was definitely not the Olivia I knew yesterday!" he told me. "I like it." He was flirting and I had no problem with it.

"Well, I'm glad. I think she is here to stay." I replied. He nodded.

"Good." we stood there awkwardly for a few moments before he started talking again. "So, do you need a ride?"

"Uh, probably. I think my mom got delayed at home or something." I said, not sure where this was going.

"Let's go then." he said, gesturing for me to follow him. I nodded.

We wandered through the parking lot. He finally stopped next to a small, red car. He pulled out his keychain and unlocked the door. We slipped into his car and buckled our seatbelts. He put the key in the ignition and pulled out of the parking lot.

We drove down the road. He seemed to know where he was going, but I was certain I hadn't told him where I lived.

"You know where you are going?" I asked him.

"Yes." Ben answered, casually steering the car with one hand and placing his other next to my hand on the console.

We drove in silence and as we approached the street I lived on. He kept going and drove past. I straightened up.

"You missed the turn." I told him.

"Oh, well, I have something to show you anyway." he replied. I shrugged and took out my phone to text my mom that I might be late for dinner.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see." he said, smirking slightly. I huffed and slouched back into the seat. He chuckled and kept driving.

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