Chapter 5

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Ben sat in his office, stressed. He put his head in his hands and sighed loudly. Ben had a big project he had to put together and was hitting a dead end. Olivia always helped him with this sort of thing. Then, he remembered. Ben reached into his briefcase and pulled out Olivia's journal. He smiled as he opened to the next entry and began to read, propping his feet on the desk.

Friday, May 17

Dear Journal,

I woke up late today. It was so frustrating! I hate being late to things. I woke to Elle banging on my door shouting my name. I groaned and rolled over trying to drown out her voice. My sister decided to take the initiative and barge into my room. She marched herself over to my bed and snatched my covers off my bed.

"Wake up, sunshine!" Eleanor sang. I sat up and glared at her. "What?" she asked sweetly.

"You really had to do that?" I growled. She shrugged and skipped out of the room. i sighed and glanced at the clock. It was six forty five and we had to be outside for Amy at seven fifteen! I shot out of bed and raced to the shower.

I left the house five minutes late and found Elle and Amy ready to go.

"Took you long enough, slow poke!" Amy teased as she backed out of the driveway. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window at the passing trees.

The drive was filled with Eleanor's obnoxious loud singing and Amy's quick driving. We finally pulled into the parking lot six minutes before the bell rang. We all jumped out of the tiny car and ran towards the building. I stopped at my locker quickly to grab the necessary items and started walking to first period. As I rounded a corner, someone fell into step beside me. I looked over and silently groaned.

"Late for class, Thompson? Wow, never thought I would see the day." Jackson Moss teased. I rolled my eyes at his so called charm and the way he thought he was so high and mighty in his basketball letter jacket.

"Go away, Jackson." I huffed. He stayed put.

"Feisty!" he said, holding his hands up.

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed and tried to walk into the class. Jackson blocked my way. "Move it, Moss."

"How about you and I skip class and go to the mall?" he suggested. I huffed and shoved him out of my way. Jackson moved willingly, knowing he had accomplished his goal of irritating me and strutted down the hallway chuckling to himself.

I marched into English and took my seat making eye contact with Ben. He smiled at me and I smiled back softly, still trying to calm down from my encounter with Jackson.

By the time lunch came around, I was back to normal and ready to eat! I pulled my lunch bag out of my locker and walked to the cafeteria. I sat down next to Elle and across from Amy. They smiled at me and I knew they knew something.

"Who said what?" I asked.

"No one." Amy grinned. I turned to my sister.

"Elle, best sister in the world! Who said what?" I repeated.

"I don't know what you are talking about!" Elle said, turning back to her lunch. I groaned and went back to eating my lunch. Why wouldn't they tell me!

A couple minutes later, Anna came bouncing by. She was grinning out of control and looked like she was going to burst!

"Is it true?" she shouted in my face. I leaned away slightly.

"It was true?" I asked, glancing over at my so called best friend and sister.

"Is it true that you told off Jackson Moss? Only the second hottest guy in school?" I was slightly stunned by her response. Why would anyone care that I got angry at Jackson? I do it all the time!

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