Chapter 4

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Chapter 4! So sorry for the overdue update! I've been super busy with school and other stuff. This chapter is pretty short, but necessary.

Enjoy! :)


Ben was up three hours before he was supposed to be up. He was finding it easier to get up and go to work because he was reading Olivia's journals. They were saving him from feeling lonely and missing her too much. He will always miss her, this just made it easier.

Ben yawned and got out of bed, slipping his feet into his navy blue slippers and pulling his quilt around his shoulders. He trudged over to the dresser and picked up the journal. He continued to the living room and sunk into the big blue arm chair that sat by the antique fireplace. He opened the book and continued to read.

Thursday, May 16

Dear Journal,

I woke up this morning feeling very well rested. I had a big grin on my face and felt motivated to go to school. I hopped out of bed and skipped to the shower to get ready for my day.

El and I were ready at about the same time today. We went outside and got into Amy's car and sped away. Amy pulled into the school parking lot and parked. We piled out of the car and saw Ben getting out of his car just a couple spots over. I smiled to myself, but Eleanor caught it and grinned slyly at me. I shot her a glared and we caught up with Ben.

"Hi girls!" he said as we approached.

"Hey Ben!" we replied, almost in unison.

We walked shoulder to shoulder to the building and filed into the school. We parted ways to go to our different lockers. I shoved my backpack into my locker and took out my copy of The Great Gatesby  and my Chemistry book for 1st and 2nd period.

When I closed my locker I was greeted by the bubbly face of Anna Jamieson. I jumped.

"Hi Olivia!" she burst, grinning at me.

"Anna! You startled me!" I exclaimed. She laughed and linked her arm with mine.

"How have you been?" she asked me.

"I've been good, what about you? You seem very excited about something." I replied.

"Have you met the new guy?" Anna asked. We stopped outside of the classroom I would be entering in less than five minutes.

"You mean Ben?" I asked.

"Yes! Do you know him?"

"Sure, why?"

"He is so cute! Do you think you could hook me up?" she squealed. I froze. Something was boiling up inside of me at her words. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth. Then, the bell rang. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have to go, talk to you later?" I asked, backing up towards the classroom. Her face fell.

"But..." she trailed off as I entered the classroom.

I tossed my books onto the desk and slumped into my seat, folding my arms across my stomach. I don't know what got into me! Her words just sent me over the edge. I could feel me face heating up with anger and placed my hands on my cheeks to cool them down. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

My silence was interrupted my Ben as he came bounding across the room. I opened my eyes and smiled weakly at him.

"Everything alright?" I asked him.

"Everything is perfect!" he replied. Ben's phone buzzed in his hand and he looked at the screen. He grinned and enthusiastically typed a message back.

"What's got you so excited?" I asked when he looked back up at me. He took a breath. I waited. As he was about to speak, Mr. Hansen came in the room and ushered everyone to their seats.

He shrugged at me and gave me a look that said 'I'll tell you later'.  I nodded and turned towards the front and opening  The Great Gatesby  to page 56.

I went through each class quickly, I really wanted to hear Ben's news. He wasn't around at lunch. I assumed he had work to finish. Someone did take Ben's spot though. It was Anna.

Anna is a friend and I enjoy being around her, but today was just not a good day for the two of us. She kept giving me cold looks, probably the effect of our conversation this morning. I just ignored them and kept the conversation pace with Elle and Amy.

"Did you finish the Pre-Calc homework, Liv?" Amy asked. I shook my head.

"Of course not! I only have a couple questions left though. The last three or four were driving me crazy!" I replied.

"Me either. I need to do that tonight. It's due tomorrow right?" Amy asked. I nodded and took another bite of my bagel.

"Ohmigosh! Did you see Ben's hair today?" Anna suddenly screeched. I winced as she continued. "It's totally perfect and he looked at me! I almost past out!"

I looked at the girl and felt a small burst of pain shoot through my head. Who was she? I shook my head and remembered, Anna Jamieson, President of the new Ben Scott fan club. I shrugged my shoulders slightly to loosen up and continued eating my lunch.

The rest of the day went by pretty smoothly, but I didn't see Ben. As I left the school with Amy and Eleanor, I sighed and looked around a little to see if he was around, but didn't see him. I'll just talked to him tomorrow.

Before going to bed that night, I pulled out my guitar and sat on my bed, getting ready to strum the strings. I positioned my pick and placed my fingers on the neck of the guitar correctly. Then, the sudden burst of pain was back. I quickly placed my hand to my forehead and waited for the pain to pass.

When it had, I gripped my guitar again and went to strum, but I couldn't remember any chords.  I'm just tired.  I told myself and set the guitar back on the stand. I got up and went to the bathroom to take some pain killers and then got into my nice warm bed.

As I lay there, staring at the blank ceiling, I remembered the finger positions to play an A chord. I closed my eyes and saw the flash of a white curtain and then, fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Ben closed his eyes and leaned his head back against his chair sighing. He remembered this. He remembered how hard it was for her. He remembered wishing he could take the pain away.

Ben reopened his eyes and placed the journal on the arm of the chair before getting up to get ready for work.


I hope you enjoyed it! I should have Chapter 5 within a week or so! :)

Picture of Eleanor Thompson to the right!! :) ---->


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