일 (1)

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It's a beautiful monday morning and it also meant the start of another week at school. Jeonghan walks down the hallway, a soft smile gracing his lips as he greets and is being greeted by the kids and fellow teachers.

He adjusts his Laptop bag on his shoulder and takes a sip of his favorite Iced Americano. Little kids and some older kids are running around and pass him, their laughters giving the spacious hallway a merry vibe and happy atmosphere.

Jeonghan smiled at the parents who just brought their kids to their classrooms, one baby on his parent's arms gave Jeonghan a toothless smile and claps enthusiastically.

The long haired male chuckled and continued walking until he came upon a familiar yellow double door. He could hear laughters and loud happy chatterings, all coming from the kids he has been taking care of for months now. Jeonghan sighs, mentally preparing himself for another chaotic but fun day ahead.

Jeonghan enters the room and was immediately greeted by a sight of wild kids, some running around the room while the others are playing with their toys and chatting with their friends.

A little boy by the age of 5 ran as fast as his little feet can to the teacher's table as Jeonghan sets his bag on the table.

"Yes Junhui?" Jeonghan smiled down at the five year old.

"Teacher is HaoHao gonna be cwoming to schwool towday? I didn't see him yestewdway, I miss him" the little boy, Junhui, pouted. Jeonghan felt his heart melt right there and then. He crouched down to the kid's eye level and gave his nose a soft boop.

Junhui wrinkled his nose cutely and smiled at Jeonghan.

"Don't worry junhui, I'm sure your HaoHao is now feeling better and I bet he's gonna walk through those doors later and he will give his huihui a big hug. Now smile for me and go play with your hyungs, okay?" The little boy eagerly nodded, now a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Thanks Teacher!" And the boy was off to his playmates again who are sat in the middle of the play mat, looking like their having a serious meeting but really, they were just talking about what snacks they brought in today.

Jeonghan just shakes his head, smiling to himself, the happiness that the kids give him remains incomparable. Admittedly, being a teacher is not an ideal job for a man his age but he has no regrets whatsoever with the career of his choice. Sure the pay could be better but just seeing the kids' smiles and hearing their joyous laughters felt already rewarding enough for Jeonghan to stay.

It was still a little early to start any activities so Jeonghan just sat by his desk, typing away on his Laptop. Aside from working at the preschool, he also have a side job. An online accountant that companies would hire for last minute accounting paperworks and the like. The pay is good and Jeonghan is a very skilled accountant. It's a win win situation and it helps Jeonghan cover all of his bills. Bills are overrated nowadays.

The door suddenly opens and in walks a school staff with a very familiar little chinese boy with her.

"HaoHao!" Junhui shrieked in joy as he ran towards his best friend and tackles him in a hug.

"Huihui!" The other little chinese boy shrieked, wrapping his little arms around Junhui.

Jeonghan cooed at the mini reunion scene and watched as the two little chinese boys held each other's hand then skips their way to their table. They always sit beside each other in every class and they are basically inseparable. Jeonghan finds their friendship effing adorable.

The female staff bowed at Jeonghan before leaving the room. The long haired male checks the time on the wall clock and saw that it was almost time for the first activity.

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