십질 (17)

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Jeonghan woke up to a tired groan and a very sore body. Sunlight peeked through the room, the rays softly hitting Jeonghan's face as he lets out another groan and tried to move, only to wince at the sudden bolt of pain from his shoulder. He hears the door opening and a pair of feet rushing in.

"Hey now, take it easy. Take it easy." A sweet voice said and Jeonghan felt a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Jeonghan let out another groan and slowly started opening his eyes where light immediately flooded in. He blinks a couple of times until he was finally adjusted to the brightness. He was first met with a plain white ceiling before a beautiful face came to view. A female nurse smiled down at Jeonghan as she stood next to the bed, her soft ringing in his ears.

"Good morning Mr. Yoon. My name is Rose and I'm your nurse. Is there anything I can get you? Anything you like?" Rose spoke, removing her hand from his shoulder and started checking the IV fluids, her clipboard placed on the bed with Jeonghan.

"Water." Jeonghan managed to say before wincing at his raspy voice and he also felt really thirsty. 

"Okay, I'll be right back. Don't move too much now. You're still Healing after all." Rose wrote a few notes on her clipboard before giving Jeonghan a smile then left the room.

Jeonghan let out a loud sigh and glanced at his slinged arm, he moves his long blonde hair to one side to reveal the bandage on his shoulder. He tried to sit up properly, wincing at the slightest movement but he held it in until he finally got himself sitting comfortably on the bed. With his good arm, he adjusted the pillows on his back before leaning against it with a relieved sigh.

He glanced at the clock, noticing that it was still early, only half an hour past eight in the morning. Then he took in his surroundings. Cream colored walls, panelled white ceiling, a soft gray carpeted floors, a flat screen propped on the wall, and there's also a personal bathroom. The room was fully air-conditioned too and Jeonghan could only guess that he was in one of those expensive private rooms.

But he knew he couldn't afford said room and would like it more if he were placed in a regular room instead. But then again, with his imposing medical bills, he doubts he can even afford a regular room at all. He will need to ask Rose who chose the private room for him when she comes back.

There was a knock on the door. Jeonghan muttered a 'come in' before the door burst open and three little angels came running in with big grins on their cute little faces.

"Teacher Yoon!" The three little children greeted together and tiniest of them started trying to climb on the bed. Jeonghan could only watch, silently cooing. The child was roughly the same height as the bed and so climbing up was quite the struggle for the little fellow.

Another person walked into the room and Jeonghan glanced at them, instantly recognizing him the moment they made eye contact. The man smiled at Jeonghan before walking to the bed and helped Chan get on the bed. The little child thanking his uncle before flashing a smile at Jeonghan.

"No fair. I want to to be on the bed too." Junhui pouted as he stared at Chan with his favorite teacher in little jealousy.

"Don't be such a jealous poop. You'll get your turn." Minghao playful smack his best friend on the head, earning a whine from Junhui.

The two adult only chuckled at the two little chinese boys who started bickering. Jeonghan then noticed Chan staring at him, then at his slinged arm, then at him again, before letting out a hesitant sigh. Jeonghan watched as the child does it repeatedly with a slight frown, then he finally understood what the child was thinking about.

With a smile, Jeonghan patted the space next to him. Chan stared back at him with hesitant eyes but Jeonghan gave the child a reassuring smile, indirectly telling him that it was alright. Chan finally stops hesitating and crawls to the space next to Jeonghan before on Jeonghan's side. The teacher feeling his heart melt as he wraps an around the child and pulled him closer.

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