십구 (19)

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*3 years later*

Seungcheol woke up to the sound of someone puking. He let out a tired groan and rolled over, only to find Jeonghan's side of the bed empty. He glanced at the digital clock on Jeonghan's nightstand where it read 05:26 am.

He then scanned the room as he groggily sat up on the bed, at the same time the bathroom door opens and Jeonghan walks out after switching the lights off and shutting the door behind him.

"Morning sickness again?" Seungcheol asked and only Jeonghan nodded his head as he rejoins him on the bed and instantly snuggles into his side. Seungcheol let out a content sigh as he wrap an arm around his boyfriend, pulling him closer before pressing a kiss on his now short, still blonde, hair.

"This has been happening for a while now love, I think you should get it checked it out. I'll call Seokmin now." And Seungcheol made a move to grab his phone but only earned a whine of protest from Jeonghan who wrap an arm around the older male's torso and pulled him back.

"Don't move too much. You're making me dizzy." Jeonghan mumbled from where his face is half buried on Seungcheol's chest.

"But honey, I'm getting worried. What if you contracted something? What if you had a mysterious disease or something. We need to know as early as possible so we could do something about it." Seungcheol laid out his concern, he has always been so open with his feelings, so honest with everything, that Jeonghan finds himself both lucky and cursed.

Jeonghan let out a groan as he shifted so that his head was little higher, just resting comfortably at Seungcheol's shoulder. "Babe stop overreacting please. It's my body, so I'd know if something is wrong with me. And I think I just ate something bad. This could be just a stomach bug."

"Babe you've been puking for days now. That could be something else. Please Babe, just go to the doctor. That's all I ask." Seungcheol heard the other sigh then hummed before falling silent. For a moment Seungcheol thought Jeonghan had fallen asleep already, but he heard him sigh again which meant he was still awake.

"Fine. If it'll put you into ease. I'll call Seokmin to schedule an appointment later. There, Happy now?" Jeonghan glanced at up at his pouty boyfriend, faking a look of annoyance.

Seungcheol only smiled and nodded his head before pressing a kiss on Jeonghan's forehead. "Very."

"Good. Now let me sleep."


"Chan hurry up! The bus is almost here!" Jeonghan called to the now seven year old Chan as he move around the kitchen preparing the kid's lunchbox. Today was their last day at school before christmas break.

"Be right there mom!" He heard Chan call back followed by a loud thud, "I'm okay!" Then the footsteps continued and Jeonghan couldn't help but smile as he sees Chan run down the stairs then run up to him. Giving him a Hug around the waist.

Jeonghan crouched down to give the child a proper hug before pressing a kiss on his wild curly black hair. "Good morning sweetheart. Did you have a good night sleep?"

Chan nodded his head as they pulled away. The child giggled, "I dreamt that I had pet dinosaur mommy! He was huge! Even bigger than a house! Is it possible to adopt to a pet dinosaur mommy? Cause I want one!"

Jeonghan ruffled the child's hair and smiled at him, "But dinosaurs don't exist anymore." That earned a pout from the child and not wanting to see the child sad, Jeonghan thought of a great idea, "But how about this. If you get a good score on your math test today. I will help you convince daddy to let you adopt kkuma. Do you want that?"

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