오 (5)

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"So......what's the unexpected visit for Mr.Choi—Ah I mean Seungcheol."

Jeonghan turns away to hide his blushing face as the man beside him chuckles. The both of them decided to take a walk around the school yard while Seungkwan and Vernon stayed with the children, keeping them occupied, playing with them at the playground.       

Even little Chan is joining in on the fun, giggling loudly as the caucasian male chases him and a few kids around.   

"Well I heard from Vernon that you needed talk to me about something. You even came to dinner last night but I wasn't there. I'm terribly sorry about that." Seungcheol kicked a random pebble, feeling genuinely embarrassed and a bit of ashamed for his absence from the mentioned dinner.

He didn't mean to miss dinner, really, it's just that a new case has been drop off to his office that night and being the chief police, he had to review the case immediately so that the next moves will be planned ahead and thoroughly. He even had to assemble a new unit he thinks are perfectly suitable to handle said case.

Jeonghan smiled to himself, for some reason being in the presence of Seungcheol again made him feel all giddy and excited. The exact same feeling he had on their first date many years ago.

He couldn't stop blushing for pete's sake.     

"It's fine. I kinda figured you were a busy man......you know from the countless times you missed dinner with your son."

Seungcheol suddenly stops walking, eyeing the long haired male, torn between disbelief and confusion while Jeonghan also stopped walking, eyes widening as he realized what he just said.

"How did you......"

Jeonghan reluctantly faced the policeman. Embarrassed and annoyed at himself for not watching his words. He lets out a sigh and began apologizing. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me. I didn't mean anything bad by it. I promise."

There was a sudden pause and Jeonghan couldn't help himself from being honest with his next words. A little too honest.

"It's just that Vernon said you  frequently missed dinners so I already kinda assumed you won't attend last night and I was right."    

Seungcheol just stood there, silently watching the very flustered Jeonghan with amusement in his eyes and he couldn't stop the smile that formed on his lips. He lets out a low chuckle, so low it send shivers down Jeonghan's spine.

Jeonghan plastered an unamused look on his face as he now stood in front of the man with arms crossed over his chest.

"What's so funny?" Jeonghan asked, sounding half annoyed, which he is.

Seungcheol only shakes his head, his smile only growing with a mischievous glint on his eyes. Even with his forehead creased and an annoyed look on his face, Jeonghan remains aesthetically pleasing in Seungcheol's eyes.

"After all these years. You're still so beautiful, my angel." Seungcheol's hand moves on its own accord to move a piece of Jeonghan's blonde hair behind his now burning red ear.   

But the hand didn't leave, instead it cupped Jeonghan's cheek. His thumb gently carressing the long haired male's smooth skin then the tip of Seungcheol's thumb brushed softly againsts Jeonghan's lips.

Seungcheol would be lying if he said he didn't wonder how would it feel to kiss those lips again.

But they just met each other again and not to mention their current status. With Seungcheol being Chan's father and Jeonghan as Chan's teacher. It would be rather unprofessional of them if they started acting out of their positions.

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