십 (10)

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Seungcheol fiddles with the pendant around his neck. He wasn't one to casually wear any kind of jewelries. Usually, he only had a watch on and that was it. But this certain necklace wasn't just any ordinary piece of jewelry. It was gift from someone special and even though him and that person had long cut ties with each other. He still treasured the item and kept wearing it.

The necklace was like an important puzzle piece of his life, he felt incomplete without it. And no matter how many times he told himself to stop wearing it, he just couldn't and he knew why.

Because the necklace is a special reminder of the times when he was the happiest, with the most beautiful person he has ever met. He could still remember the day it was given to him like it just happened yesterday.

August 8th. It was his birthday and he was looking forward all day to spend it with his boyfriend at that time, the only person he has ever truly loved, Jeonghan.

He and Jeonghan visited the carnival in town to celebrate his birthday. Just the two of them and just how Seungcheol likes it. They played many games and got on different rides. He won cute plush toys for Jeonghan who in return won him to a cute little teddy bear. That bear now sits somewhere in Chan's room.

After they grew tired of playing games and the adrenaline has started to wear off. The two decided to end their date with one final ride. The ferris wheel.

The sun was already starting to set when the two got on and slowly they start to ascend until they reach the top where the view was breath taking. The sun gave everything a soft warm yellow glow including Jeonghan who looked as every bit of ethereal. Seungcheol couldn't take his eyes off of him.

Jeonghan notices him staring and gave him the warmest of smiles making Seungcheol's heart skip a beat at the beauty of it. With a sigh, Seungcheol put an arm around Jeonghan pulled him into a hug. When they pulled away, Seungcheol felt something cold around his neck.

He looks down to see a silver necklace. He takes the pendant between his fingers, a smile appearing on his face when he saw what it was. A single silver wing where the upper part of it was curved to form half of a heart.

Seungcheol glanced up at Jeonghan. He has a smile on his face, his eyes twinkling with joy and his heart softly thumping against his chest. Seungcheol cupped the other's cheek and slowly leaned in until their forehead are pressed together.

"Jeonghan I............"

"Boss, Minhyun and his team are in position and ready to enter the building. They're just waiting for the signal, Sir."

A temporary camp was built a few blocks from the preschool, they call it the safe distance where they can operate without getting disturbed nor seen by the suspects. It is important that they keep themselves out of sight, for now that is, to ensure the safety of the hostages.

Seungcheol sat inside one of the tents, his team sat in front of him on a long table, all working together and diligently. The officer that gave the report standing next to him.

Seungcheol was brought back to reality by the officer's voice. He slip the pendant back inside his shirt and gave a nod. "Send them in."

The officer nodded and spoke through her coms. "Officer Hwang you're a go. I repeat. You're a go."

Minhyun's voice was heard shortly after, confirming the command. "Copy that. Entering the building now."

The officer gave a bow to her superior before returning to her seat next to Aron who sat behind three computer screens. One computer monitoring the vicinity of the building, Another displaying the footages from Minhyun and his team's body cam and third screen displaying the inside of the school.

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