질 (7)

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Seungcheol returned to the police station that same afternoon and locked himself in his office, claiming he still had a lot for work to do. When really all he did was sit there and sulk.

Chan sat next to him on the floor, playing with his toys. The sitter was not available and so it left Seungcheol no choice but to bring his son with him. His officemates were happy to see Chan and welcomed him warmly. The child, though shy from receiving attention, managed to give them a smile.

The child had no idea why they left the daycare early as all he cared about was spending more time with his father. He admits he's sad he didn't get to say goodbye to his favorite teacher, teacher Yoon, but seeing his father upset, Chan decided to keep quiet.

Seungcheol lets out a sigh for the nth time. Jeonghan's words still ringing in his head and no matter how hurt he felt, he couldn't deny that Jeonghan was right. He has been neglecting Chan and as a father, that was nothing but a painful truth.

Seungcheol worked his ass off day and night just to earn enough to provide for him and Chan. Mostly for Chan's needs. Everything he does is for Chan's welfare. He's so set on giving Chan the best things in life that he failed to see that what Chan really needed is a father.

A father to stay by his side. To comfort him when he's sad. To hug him when he's scared. To cheer him up when he's feeling down. To be a shoulder to lean on and cry on. And to love him when no one else would.

And if it weren't for Jeonghan slapping some sense into him, Seungcheol would never realized that any sooner. He would've stayed blinded with his false beliefs and continue to miss out on the most important thing. His son who's already growing up.

Chan is already four and would be starting grade school soon. Seungcheol does not want to miss out on more memories with his son. He promises to himself to do everything to make up for all those lost times with his son.

And to thank Jeonghan for making him realize before it's too late.

"Hey Chan. Come here buddy. Daddy wants to talk you." Seungcheol watched with a fond smile as Chan got up from the floor and toddled all the way to him.

He carefully lifts him and sat him on his lap. Chan took that chance to snuggle into his father's arms, resting his head on his father's chest. Seungcheol felt his heart warmed up and gently cradled his son in between his muscled arms. One hand softly brushing the child's hair making the child snuggle closer.

The two sat like that, basking on each other's warmth and everything felt at peace. Seungcheol felt calm and his heart content. He pressed a kiss on the child's head before letting out a sigh.

"Chan can daddy ask you something?" He asked and felt the child nod his head.

"Teacher Yoon told me that you haven't made any friends. Do you want to tell me why?"

Seungcheol waited for a moment but got no response from the child. Instead he felt something wet on his shirt. He looks down to see Chan with tears in his eyes. Worry instantly filled Seungcheol as he sat up properly and made the child look at him, gently cradling his little face on his hands.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Daddy is not mad. See? I'm not mad. It's okay to cry sweetheart. Daddy is sorry for making you cry. Hush now." Seungcheol spoke in a soft voice as he use his thumb to gently wipe the tears away.

Chan sniffled and nodded his head, wiping his snotty nose with the back of his hand, getting some snot on his sweater. Seungcheol lets out a hearty chuckle as he opens one drawer and takes out a box of tissue. He wipes Chan's nose first before wiping his hands next. Throwing the dirty wipes in the trash.

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