십일 (11)

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After properly treating Seungkwan's wound. Changing the bandage with a new one after disinfecting it. Jeonghan placed the first aid kit next to him and plops down on the floor with a sigh. He felt exhausted beyond relief and not to mention that he's been ignoring his own aching body.

Wonwoo glanced at the older with a worried look on his face. Jeonghan looked worse than he did earlier. He's soaking in sweat and his breathing extremely uneven. Wonwoo wants to help him but he had no idea what to do. He didn't even know what was happening to him.

"Hyung you're turning pale. Is there anything I can do? Anything at all?" Wonwoo crawled next to the older, careful not to move Seungkwan. He sat down and offered him his handkerchief.

Jeonghan shot the younger a thankful smile as he accepted the handkerchief and started wiping his sweat away. He's breathing still heavy but nothing he could not manage.

"I'm fine Wonu-ah. I just.......need........to......rest.......I'm.......fine." Jeonghan managed between labored breaths. He leaned on the wall and tilted his head up, eyes closed as he focuses on calming his breathing. He fills his mind with positive things to wash away all the negative thoughts threatening to evade.

Wonwoo waited quietly and patiently until he could see Jeonghan's chest rising and falling in a normal rhythm once again. Wonwoo sighed in relief, only a little worried now since the older still looked pale.

"Don't scare me like that hyung. I don't know what I'd do if something happens to you too." Wonwoo's lip formed a little pout as he continues to watch Jeonghan who still had his eyes closed.

Jeonghan lets out a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry Wonu-ah. Hyung promises to be careful next time. You can relax now."

The bespectacled man childishly protested next to the older. "No! There will be no next time! I won't get kidnapped again. And so are you." Then crossed his arms over his chest.

His words earned yet another chuckle from Jeonghan who said nothing after and the room was filled with silence.

Wonwoo copied the older and also leaned back on the wall. They were still securely hidden behind the couch, so he could sit comfortably without needing to worry about getting find out. He glanced up at the ceiling, wondering where and what is Mingyu doing at the moment. Would he come to rescue him? Knowing Mingyu, he might even bring an army with him.

He misses Mingyu and he wants nothing more than to be with him right now, on their dinner date, spending quality time together. He imagines the taller being a flustered mess, being his adorable clumsy self, knocking random objects down and profusely apologizing after. Wonwoo has that affect on the younger that can turn him into a walking disaster.

It was embarrassing and endearing at the same time. Wonwoo's lips curved into a small smile. Just the thought of his giant clumsy puppy of a fiance is enough to atleast lighten his mood.

"That's beautiful." Wonwoo observed as he notices the older fiddling with a little gold pendant between his fingers. A smile on his face.

Jeonghan hummed in delight, feeling the pendant between his fingers, and the memories it held played on his mind. The ferris wheel slowly ascending and the warmth of the sun against his skin. The way his heart raced with excitement and the breath taking view of the horizon.

But all those are pale in comparison to the person who sat next to him. His gummy smiles and warm brown eyes. His strong arms wrapped protectively around him and that beautiful laugh of his. Jeonghan could remember every detail, every feeling, everything, as if it were just yesterday.

"It is. Isn't it?" Jeonghan finally opened his eyes and glanced down at the pendant. It was single gold wing where the upper part was curved to form half a heart.

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