Chapter 16 - Honest Intentions

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“Um I don’t mean to sound rude, but what the hell are you doing here?” I asked the seemingly distraught woman in front of me.

She groaned “I'm going to kill Axel. Like murder. Like tear him limb from limb while watch the life gradually leave his body.”


I wasn’t sure if she was joking or not so I casually eyed the kitchen counter for anything that could be used as a weapon. “You are joking right?” I asked nervously.

She sighed “On a scale from one to ten, I'm as serious as a twenty.” Shit! This mysterious woman who I knew nothing about was really starting to scare me, on serious level now. I wondered how she managed to get in since the security here is probably worse than Fort Knox. The only way I get in is because my name is on Axel’s personal guest list. So that means-

“Kendall?” Axel called out from the front door. I immediately flailed to his side trying to warn him “Axel no there’s a crazy woman-“

“What?” he looked obviously dumbstruck. Suddenly the woman emerged looking pissed as ever “Axel you stupid fucker!” before anyone could do anything to stop her, the large designer handbag landed with a thud on his head.

“Ow! Shorty?! You're back already?” He sounded confused in the mist of his pain. She glared at him “Don’t you Shorty me! I'm only gone for a little while and you fail to tell me that you're in a relationship? I had to hear it from Martin!”

He grunted rubbing his head “Of course he told you.”

She folded her hands across her chest “Three months I was gone and you never mentioned once about anything interesting going on in your personal life.”

“I'm sorry-“

She raised a hand “Save it. The only way my forgiveness can be bought if you buy me this new Hermes scarf I’ve been eyeing and promise to never leave me out of something in your life.”

“Done.” He replied with hesitating.

“Now give me a hug.” She commanded but in a soft tone. Axel smiled slightly giving her a full body hug “I missed you Shorty.”

“And I’ve missed you a lot Axel. My life isn’t the same unless I'm constantly reprimanding you for some stupid mistake you’ve made.”

He rolled his eyes pulling away “What meaning does my life have without you?”

I stared at both of them “I'm obviously missing something so do you mind telling me what’s going on?”

Axel turned to me “Sorry love this is Shorty Blue my childhood friend.” He referred to her with a certain fondness that one couldn’t mistake for anything more than a sacred friendship. “And Shorty this is my boyfriend Kendall.”

Shorty smiled at me “Are you legal?”

I blinked looking baffled “Um yeah.”

“Good.” Then she hugged me. It felt kind of awkward at first but something within me advised me to let go. “Sorry, sometimes I don’t trust Axel when his pants are involved.”

“Is Shorty Blue really your name?” I asked. But instead of her getting offended as I expected, she laughed tipping her head back and I realized that she was one of those people who could swim in cheese and still manage to look perfect. Flawlessness came naturally to her.

“No darling it isn’t. It’s Chantelle Bloom but that doesn’t sound so fun does it?” She asked. She was…..eccentric. That’s an easy adjective.

“It’s definitely fun.” I replied.

She glanced at Axel “You’ve been keeping this lovely creature from me?”    

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