The Mistake or The Disclosure

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The moon in the night shining, simmering and representing Artemis' glow and patience. The clear sky full of stars glittering and twinkling like a million diamonds, pointing out directions to people. The zephyr blowing subtly and rustling the leaves of the trees. The only source of sound in the silent forest is the calmly flowing water of the river and the occasional and distant breaking of a twig by wild animals. The animals usually avoid this part of the forest for two reasons, One the human civilisation is nearby and two the creatures lurking in the night, that are only seen in the books of human mythology. So they try to avoid them at all possible costs and hence never enter into their territory. These creatures have been present here even before the human civilisation flourished in the surrounding areas. More than 100 generations have settled and more have vanished. Over the past 75 years the humans have began to hunt them down all because of their fear of the unknown. It has become increasingly difficult to maintain a life in this region. Yet the members of 'The Blue Crescent Moon Pack' refused to leave their native land. Not only due to their adamant nature but also due to their traditional and spiritual values.

Just like any other pack they also had had their ups and downs. They lived through it like always but now that the things were actually looking good and all was falling into place, there was this whiff of something sinister in the air. Everyone felt it but no one said anything in case they jinxed it. Like always the woods were standing tall and majestic in their own glory. Then suddenly came the sound out someone running. Soft thuds of the paws in the dead silent forest. In the darkness of the wilderness and the glow of the moon light stood a magnificent wolf. All white fur resembling the snow covered peaks of mountains. The size was enough to intimidate anyone but the eyes are so tender and empathetic. One look and the dark golden brown eyes saw right through your body into your soul. There was this curiosity in them. This playfulness yet a sense of aggression.

"For the love of moon goddess Amelia stop!!"

A voice spoke in her head. Then out of the darkness a group of four wolves came into the clearing to join the white wolf. The latter turned her head in the direction of the wolves and took a defensive posture. Almost as if to attack them if they came closer. The wolves realised that at the moment it was not Amelia in front of them, her wolf was in total control. So obediently they stopped a couple feet away from her and bowed their heads in submission. Amelia's status was not yet clear neither was the status of the other wolves with her. It was one of the ancient traditions to keep the wolf in the lowest rank till they mature and to train them in all the basics. This ensured that the wolves didn't take advantage of their rank and also made the pups self sufficient and independent. And on their 18th birthday their rank is disclosed. Till then all were omegas and had to learn everything. But Amelia's wolf was always very demanding and dominant. As was Amelia. She was the most different wolf in the pack. She had to learn all the things done by warriors. All the she wolves went to learn cooking but this one was busy learning sword fighting. All the girls were busy braiding their hair and looking a sack of flour fell on them. Meanwhile she was busy running around the forest and came back with her face smeared with mud and twigs in her hair due to climbing on trees and smelled like a rag soaked in water and kept in a damp basement.

All the she wolves hated Amelia. Because they were trying to find a mate. But all the boys were occupied with trying to wrestle Amelia in vain. She was good at everything of the opposite gender. Yet when it came to cooking, lets just say that first time she tried to cook, her kitchen wall still looks like a mini explosion took place there. The time she braided her cousin's hair, well she still has a bald spot on her head. Amelia is not your average delicate handler. Her family gave up hopes long time ago and her father decided that she is better off as a warrior. Obviously they can't have girls with bald heads and their houses on fire now, can they?

They heard Amelia's wolf let out a low threatening growl. All the young wolves were confused too. Their wolves were terrified of Amelia's wolf would be an understatement. Amelia's wolf was easy going and laid back most of the time but had this habit of taking control all of a sudden. She was working on it but the problem is that Amelia and her wolf were also in a way opposite. Amelia was this goofy girl and was always joking around. Whereas her wolf was very stern and calculative. Amelia was clumsier than the most clumsy person in the world except for when she was in the battlefield. Her wolf on the other hand was a different story. Yet Amelia and her wolf were more co-ordinated then rest of the pack put together. They were literally made for each other. So all the wolves could do was stand in submission. While Amelia was reasoning with her wolf 'Nymeria.'

_ " Nymeria, are you okay? I mean these are our pack members. You know their smell and you heard them. We all came together. What is wrong? Is it a rogue?"

_ " Something much worse actually. I feel something terrible but I can't put my finger on it. There is this strange smell in the air. Like fear mixed with anger and its familiar, very familiar. Do you not smell that."

- " Maybe its our friends that are scared of you. You can be very scary you know. And we talked about this. A warning would be nice you know. You just don't have to pounce out suddenly and scare everyone to death. You are usually very calm and easy going but, for a few days now you are on the edge. All good?"

" Yeah all good. It might just be the guys I guess. And I'm sorry about that too. I will remember that next time."

" Sorry guys, didn't mean to scare you."

" Its okay Ny, a little warning maybe next time please, we are too young to die you know. I mean Sam has not even had sex yet." said Elijah Sam's wolf.

That when suddenly again Nymeria took off again.Running as fast as her legs could carry her.

" Don't follow, go back to home. I mean it guys go back now. No questions asked."

" Ny, where are we going? Tell me at least. Come on Ny." Amelia was enquiring but it was of no use.

That's when Amelia saw a silhouette and she understood what Nymeria was talking about. She didn't need to be told twice to keep quiet. Her warfare training had trained her enough to tackle situations like this. Listening closely she heard a voice much too familiar. The pack Alpha. She tried to listen by hiding herself in the darkness.

" I don't need to tell you again, do I boy? Said a voice in a threatening tone and then followed by a angry voice of the alpha.

" I am the alpha, how dare you talk to me like that?"

" Let's not forget, how you became the alpha. And believe me, you do not want me as your enemy, boy. After you murdered your own family to become an alpha....."


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