The Family That Eats Together, Stays Together

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An hour later, Amelia was ready. She was wearing a short red dress with lace work around her throat, it was sleeveless and had a thin brown belt around her waist. Along with that she was wearing knee high brown leather boots with a three inch heel and little buckles on the side. The dress was uncomfortable and too short Amelia's liking. She kept tugging it down, which caused Aliana to slap her hand away far many times than she could count. The first few times when Amelia  growled, Aliana looked a little startled but she got used to it later. Aliana did Amelia's makeup too. It was too heavy for Amelia's liking. Her cheeks were reddish pink and her lipstick was too bright. All the while, Amelia was whining and grudging. For most of it Aliana was calm. Finally she broke when Amelia was being childish about the little butterflies in her hair and was pulling at them. Aliana gave up and then decided to settle for a side French braid. She wanted to paint Amelia's nails too but she backed up when Amelia threatened her to gouge her eyes out.

So here they were. Outside the parents house. And if Amelia tripped a few times while walking in those heels no one had to know. And if Jake's jaw hit the ground looking at Amelia dressed in something other than tattered old jeans and shirts too big for her, on one had to know that too. Just as they were walking up a beautiful pathway up to a beautiful stone house, the door opened and two people walked out. It was just silhouette but Amelia could make out a man and a woman. As they got closer, Amelia felt the power of the alpha radiating and his scent too was too strong. It was almost intimidating but somehow it was neutralised by the scent of the woman next to him. It was clear she was a Luna. Her posture and the way to carry herself. Somehow Amelia knew that these people were to be respected.  As they were getting closer, Amelia became more and more nervous. Suddenly Jake slipped his hand into hers and his scent calmed her down a little.

-"Hello people. Finally. I was beginning to think of ways to finish the delicious food my beautiful wife prepared." Smiled Jake's father. In that moment Amelia knew the O'Brien sons take after their father.

-"Shut up Jeremy. Did you forget what happened last time?" Said Jake's mother. All except Amelia laughed and Jeremy just pouted. It must be a family thing Amelia thought. For an older couple, They didn't look too old either. Jeremy could easily pass as their older brother.

-"Well c'mon in then." Jeremy gestured. And all entered. Jake, Jason And Aliana hugged Jeremy and Jake's mother. When it was Amelia's turn she extended her hand and shook Jeremy's introducing herself, who nodded curtly. And the reason was because he felt that she was an alpha, she also felt him stiffen a little and move towards his mate. 

-" Hello dear, you must be Amelia. I am Emily. It is so lovely to meet you finally. We've heard so much about you. Come in." And pulled Amelia in for a hug. Which Amelia returned awkwardly.

-"Thank you so much for having me here Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien? Alpha and Luna? I'm sorry I'm confused." Amelia confessed blushing. This made the Luna's smile widen.

-" Oh please call me Emily and him Jeremy. The titles make us feel old."

After talking for about an hour and a lot of nodding along, it was dinner time. Jeremy sat at the head of the table. Emily opposite him. Jake and Jason on the either sides of there father and Aliana and Amelia on the either sides of Emily next to their mates. The dinner was better than Amelia had anticipated. Emily was so nice. She kept on telling embarrassing stories about the boys and the boys were busing talking about sports and how things were with the pack. Since, they were both Alpha's and their pack territory was divided among the brothers, the parents built a new house midway from both the packs. It was fun dinner. Lots of laughs and the dinner was very tasty, yet Amelia felt that somehow she didn't have Jeremy's approval. It was after dinner when all were sitting in the living room drinking beer and wine. The boys were taking about sports and even though Amelia was talking about her pack with the ladies, half her attention was on what they were discussing. 

-" 1995. I remember what a game that was. 6-6 and last quarter remaining. And we won scoring the final touchdown." Jeremy was saying and the two boys were listening intently.

-"Uhh it was actually 1994. Last game of the season." Interrupted Amelia. Which made all the people to focus their attention on Amelia. Jeremy turned his head ever so lightly and raised an eyebrow.

-" Was it now? I thought you were not born back then. Maybe I was mistaken. Huh?" He said lowly. The ladies went silent and the boys were looking freaked but Amelia knew she was right so continued.

-" I wasn't. But I saw with my dad on T.V. We're both big fans." She completed.

-" I am sure it was 1995 because I was there."

-" Well I am sure too that it was 1994." Amelia stood her ground. 

-" Okay then. Jason, search and tell this girl here I am rig...."

-" It was 1994." Interrupted Jake who already was done searching.

-" You watch sports? That is awesome." Exclaimed Jason. It somewhat diffused the awkward tension in the air and slowly the conversations began to flow again. Then again all settled back into old conversation but Amelia was being watched by Jeremy.

It was very late and they were leaving, when Jeremy pulled Amelia in for a hug too and kissed her forehead. Which meant he approved of her. That made her smile. They were a couple feet away from house, when Jeremy yelled,

-"Hey Jake, Hold on to this one."

-"He must really like you. It took me 5 months to earn that kiss." Said Aliana.

-" You lot go ahead and go home." Said Jake. Which made Jason smirk and Aliana blush.

And slipping his hand in Amelia's, he led her through the woods up a small hill. After ages of hiking in those god forsaken heels, they were finally on the top. The view was breathtaking. It showed the valleys beyond and the sky was the most beautiful thing Amelia had seen. The moon shining and a million stars twinkling. They sat on the edge, dangling their feet looking at the stars. And after ten minutes she felt eyes on the side of her face. She turned to see Jake looking at her smiling. She smiled back. The moonlight adding a beautiful glow to both their faces. Jake's eyes flicked to her lips and Amelia acted before he could. Closing the distance between them. She felt Nymeria approving and asking for control, which Amelia let her take. And, there was a change in Jake too. Jensen was in control. The kiss started to get a little heated and then Jensen became eager. Slowly he kissed his way down Amelia's neck. And then he was at the base of her neck on the right side, near her mating spot. He inhaled her scent deeply. And then began nipping at her neck. Which made Amelia suck in a breath. She pulled him up to kiss him again and this time she nipped at his neck. Slowly Jensen pushed Nymeria on her back before getting on top and kissing her passionately. Nymeria pushed Jensen's jacket over his shoulders and he slipped it off throwing it somewhere. Then he pulled Amelia in sitting position slowly unzipping the zipper of her dress. Slowly kissing her shoulder as he slid it down her shoulder. Nymeria was not a romantic nor was Amelia but this felt perfect. Now Nymeria was busy unbuttoning Jensen's shirt and she suddenly felt a little pain. Jensen's canines tear the flesh and puncture the skin at the base of her neck. Nymeria gasped and her eyes turned blue.

She pulled Jensen up and this time let her canines descend and bit Jensen's neck claiming him aggressively. It was Jensen's time to suck in breath. It was official. They were one.There was shift in the air, it was filled with arousal and love and trust. Nymeria made move to unzip Jensen's pants, when he spoke in her mind.

-" Are you sure?" 

-" Ready as I ever will be." She said.

-" Okay then."

The only thing remaining to complete the mating process was consummating the bond.


2 Days, 2 Updates! Whaaaaaaaaaaat! I don't write smut, sorry. Thank you for reading. Pls share, like and comment. Happy Reading.

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