Challenges and Quests

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Today was a Sunday. A day to Relax but Amelia was consumed by her own thoughts. She knew what she had to do, but she needs her mate for it. But the consequences for her act could leave him in a state worse than death. The death of your mate is a terrible loss. Amelia has seen her father go though it. The only reason he is sane is for her sake. She has seen the bottles of bourbon and the innumerable glasses broken on the floor. She couldn't let Jake go through it for her. She woke up with a pit in her stomach. As she was zoning out sitting on the couch staring at the television screen but not caring what was going on. She was then pulled out of the train of her thoughts which were nothing. 

-"Do you even speak Japanese?"

She turned her head to look at none other than Jake. Looking at her and then at the television. 

-"What the hell are you doing here? Do you not have a pack to run?" Amelia Asked irritated.

-" I thought you will be happy to see me?" Pouted Jake.

-"Well, clearly you thought wrong." Smiled Amelia sarcastically.

-"Aren't you a ray of sunshine to be around!"

-"Are you here for a reason or you enjoy spiting me?"

-"I was here to give you a little something that has been passed down for generations to each Luna of our pack. Since my brother and I, we're both alpha's, we split it. So sorry if it looks a bit incomplete. But here."

He handed Amelia small box which was gift wrapped. Chuckling, she took it and tore away the wrapping in bits. It was wrapped too nicely. And patience is something she always lacked so. It was a small black box. On opening it, she gasped softly. There was a single silver angel wing in the box with a single word written in it.


She read it and smiled. Looking up to meet Jake's eyes which were glistening.

-"What, no snarky remark on how this is cheesy it is?" He asked actually taken back a little.

-"Honestly, I am not a stereotypical gal, but I love it thank you. And you made special effort to write 'mine' on it, didn't you?"

-" Wow! How did you know?"

-" Ahh! The crappy writing gave it away." Laughed Amelia.

-"Hahahahaha. Hilarious. On a serious note, we need to talk. And now would be good time because I am running out of patience. And I am telling you this as one alpha to another. You being my mate, I feel blessed by the moon goddess. You will make an excellent Luna. But something tells me that you don't want to be just a Luna. And I respect that I truly do but I have a pack to look after. So either you reject me and get it over with it or you accept me as your mate and let me take care of you and my responsibilities. I can't take it anymore." Said Jake in a frustrated voice.

-" Here sit down. This may take a while. Listen I understand what you are trying to say. I truly do. But the thing is I am in a way broken. I didn't accept this until now. But I am an alpha and I too have responsibilities. Just like you said. And I can't help but think that it is my responsibility to save my pack. Not yours or any other alpha's but mine. I lost my wolf, and in the process of finding her I found my mate too. I know this will sound crazy but while doing some research on how to get Nymeria back, I somehow ended up with a psychic and she gave me a prophecy. I first thought that the person in it is my father, But now it hit me that it was you. You are the one. I never believed the whole soulmate thing. I still don't. But you are the answer to every question I ever asked. But even if you are the answer I have to find my now path and I can't do it on my own. I need you help. I am afraid it's too much to ask. You see according to the prophecy you are the only one who can help Nymeria reach her full strength and help us save our pack. So I would accept you as my mate but that would mean insufferable pain for you and I can't let you go through all of that for me and my pack. It's just too much to ask. I really don't want to spell it out cause it hurts us too. But you get it don't you?"

-"Wait a minute. You are not thinking what I am thinking are you? You really think that this would work? Amelia listen to me, You are powerful and strong headed but this is stupid and I am saying this as your friend not your mate. Because then I will tie to a chair make sure that you never leave my sight again....."

-"I want an answer Jake. Yes I will interrupt you and believe me I will do it a thousand times over because I love my pack. I do love you, as my mate but just as any alpha it is my responsibility to look after my pack. The pack comes first remember?"

-"Amelia listen to me, it is becoming difficult for me to control Jensen. He senses what you are trying to say. And listen to this, I am not leaving you no matter how hard you try. You might not believe in soulmates but I do. You are my soulmate. You are fierce, strong, short tempered, Sarcastic. You are everything I didn't want in my mate. Hell, yet I found you. I fell for all those qualities of yours. And now I love you. We both do. And I will stay with you until you say that you reject me. I'd rather stay in a strait jacket for the rest of my life than live with knowing that you are out there somewhere and I am not with you. You want to do it, fine. But I will be there. And not as an alpha. As your mate. Because I, Jake Timothy O'Brien accept you Amelia Deanne Hunt as my mate by the blessing of the moon goddess." Finished Jake. Looking at Amelia with concern and anticipation.

-" Are you sure? Even with the choice I made?" Jake nodded and Amelia continued, she could sense the fluctuations in Jake's scent from irritated to concerned to angered to sad. 

-" Fine then. I, Amelia Deanne Hunt accept you Jake Timothy O'Brien as my mate by the blessing of the moon goddess. But I do hope you know what you're getting yourself into. I can't cook to save my life. I am very messy and irresponsible. I am not only lazy but also a baby. Taking care of me is worse than taking care of a baby, at least they grow up. Plus, not to mention the mood swings. I am more hormonal than a pregnant wolf, I mean......." Amelia was cut off by a pair of lips on her and she flinched a little before kissing Jake back. And they shifted their bodies so Amelia somehow ended up in Jake's lap. He finally pulled away due to the lack of air and pecked her lips once more. Kissing her neck before nosing at her neck and jawline scenting her. Smirking.

-"You had me at 'my mate', baby." Which caused Amelia to laugh out loud. That's when they heard a loud, angry cough. They turned their heads to see, Robert. Amelia got off Jake's lap and sat next to him both of them a blushing mess.

Thirty minutes later, when Robert was informed of what Amelia was planning, Robert was proud would be an understatement. He knew exactly why, Amelia was chosen. She was a blessing. He was scared yes, but he knew Amelia was stronger than him just like her mother. 

-" Ames, baby can you please get the beer from the fridge? None for you. Last time you drank, I was cleaning vomit off the walls and floor all night." Said Robert. Amelia got up and sticking her tongue out at him and a sniggering Jake, walked out the living room. When she was out of ear shot, Robert turned to Jake.

-"And now, you listen....." Jake interrupted him before he could finish.

-"Yeah I know you will kill me if, I hurt her right?"

-" What? No. Not at all. If you hurt her, she will kill you." Is all Robert said before Amelia was back.

-"So your middle name is Timothy?" Started Amelia, smirking.

-" I am never going to hear the end of it, am I ?"

-"Nope." Said Amelia popping the 'p'.

After dinner, When Jake was leaving, Robert and Jake asked Amelia one last time, If she was sure about her decision.

-"Yup. I am sure. I will challenge the alpha for his position." Amelia agreed.


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